Nb/Al-oxide/Nb Tunnel Junctions for Josephson Integrated Circuits
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A new fabrication process of small Nb/Al-oxide/Nb tunnel junctions for integrated circuits is presented. Prior to making tunnel junctions of Nb/Al-oxide/Nb sandwich structure with a full wafer size, an Nb electrode layer was prepared on the wafer, whose patterns were duplicated from each junction base electrode pattern. This additional underlayer of Nb plays an important role in improving I-V characteristics, especially in the small size Nb/AN-oxide/Nb junctions. A reactive ion etching process was employed to define each junction size precisely. Using the present process, Vm=40 mV and Rsg/Rnn=26 with a critical current density of 1000A/cm^2 have been achieved in an one-hundred 2.5 μm square junction array.
- 社団法人応用物理学会の論文
- 1986-01-20
Electrotechical Laboratory (ETL)
Takada S
Saitama University Faculty Of Engineering
Takada Susumu
Electrotechnical Laboratory
Takada S
Saitama Univ. Urawa‐shi Jpn
Electrotechnical Laboratory
Hayakawa H
Nagoya Univ. Nagoya Jpn
Nakagawa Hiroshi
Graduate School Of Materials Science Nara Institute Of Science And Technology
Nakagawa H
Univ. Tokyo Tokyo Jpn
Kurosawa Itaru
Electrotechnical Laboratory
Electrotechnical Laboratory
Nakaya Kenji
Electrotechnical Laboratory:musashi Institute Of Technology
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