Fabrication of High Quality Superconducting Tunnel Junctions
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 社団法人応用物理学会の論文
- 1998-08-10
Department of Applied Quantum Physics and Nuclear Engineering, Kyushu University
石橋 健二
石橋 健二
Saitama University
Electrotechical Laboratory (ETL)
AKOH Hiroshi
Electrotechical Laboratory (ETL)
AOYAGI Masahiro
Electrotechical Laboratory (ETL)
Esposito A
Electrotechnical Laboratory
Esposito Antonio
Takada S
Saitama University Faculty Of Engineering
Takada S
Saitama Univ. Urawa‐shi Jpn
Electrotechnical Laboratory
Electrotechnical Laboratory
Kyushu University
Kyushu University
Maehata K
Department Of Applied Quantum Physics And Nuclear Engineering Kyushu University
Keisuke Maehata
Kyushu University
Aoyagi Minoru
Electronics Engineering Group Nissan Motor Co. Ltd
Akoh H
National Institute Of Advanced Industrial Science And Technology
Nakagawa Hiroshi
Graduate School Of Materials Science Nara Institute Of Science And Technology
Nakagawa H
Univ. Tokyo Tokyo Jpn
Joosee Koen
Electrotechnical Laboratory
- Development of a TES Microcalorimeter for Spectroscopic Measurement of LX-rays Emitted by Transuranium Elements
- 放射線工学部会14年の歩みと今後 : 放射線をキーワードとして
- IT時代に対応した迅速な運営の試行 : 部会等運営委員会委員長就任にあたって
- C-8-4 コイル集積型超伝導トンネル接合によるX線の検出
- マイクロストリップコイル付き超伝導トンネル接合素子を用いたX線検出
- 26pYA-9 超伝導トンネル接合を用いたX線検出器の開発(VII)
- 30p-XJ-10 超伝導トンネル接合を用いたX線検出器の開発 (IV)
- 28a-YK-6 超伝導トンネル接合を用いたX線検出器に開発(VI)
- X線検出器用磁場コイル付き超伝導トンネル接合の作製
- 26a-K-4 超伝導トンネル接合を用いたX線検出器の開発(III)
- 26a-K-3 超伝導トンネル接合を用いたX線検出器の開発(II)
- 26a-K-2 超伝導トンネル接合を用いたX線検出器の開発(I)
- 溶融配合法で製作したYBa_2Cu_3O_x導体の大電流通電特性
- 28pSP-11 PRISM のためのパイオン捕獲用超伝導ソレノイドの開発 I・ビーム入熱実験
- 6p-ZG-1 電子のCH_4, CF_4, SF_6による弾性散乱微分断面積測定II
- 5a-E3-10 Chutjian型7電極レンズの特性
- Measurement of Gamma-Ray Production Double-Differential Cross Sections for the Spallation Reaction Induced by 0. 8, 1. 5 and 3. 0 GeV Protons
- Measurement of Neutron-Production Double-Differential Cross Sections for Nuclear Spallation Reaction Induced by 0. 8, 1. 5 and 3. 0 GeV Protons
- 炉物理, 放射線工学, 加速器・ビーム科学, 核データ部会から
- 「科学と技術のための核データ」国際会議
- 大学における原子力学教育の再構築
- 高放射線環境下で動作可能な超伝導電磁石の開発
- YBCOバルク導体の25kA直流通電試験
- X-Ray Detection Using Superconducting Tunnel Junction Shaped Normal-Distribution-Function(Innovative Superconducting Devices and Their Applications)
- Improved abrication Method for Nb/Al/AIO_x/Al/Nb Superconducting Tunnel Junctions as X-Ray Detectors
- Properties of Substrate Phonon Events in Superconducting Tunnel Junctions Induced by X-Ray Absorption
- パルスNMR法を用いた双極磁石用高精度磁場均一度測定装置の開発
- 核データの測定と応用
- 第1回放射線安全および検出技術に関する国際シンポジウム
- 超伝導を用いた放射線センサ- (新しい放射線センシング原理を求めて)
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- 九州大学FFAG加速器施設の建設
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- Measurement of Gamma - Ray Production Double - Differential Cross Sections for 1.5 GeV π^+ Meson Incidence on Iron
- Experimental Neutron-Production Double-Differential Cross Section for the Nuclear Reaction by 1.5-GeV π^+ Mesons Incident on Iron
- Spallation Neutron Measurement by the Time-of-Flight Method with a Short Flight Path
- Large-Area Tunnel Junction Exhibiting Two Operating Modes for X-ray Detection
- X-ray Detection Characteristics of Nb-Based Superconducting Tunnel Junctions
- Response of Large Nb-Based Tunnel Junction to X-Rays
- Detection of Synchrotron Radiation by Nb-Based Superconducting Tunnel Junctions
- Measurement of Neutron-Production Double-Differential Cross Sections for Intermediate Energy Pion Incident Reaction
- YBCOバルク導体を使った20kA電流導入端子の開発
- 大型超伝導コイル用高温超伝導電流導入部の開発研究(3)
- 大型超伝導コイル用高温超伝導電流導入部の開発研究(2)
- 大型超伝導コイル用高温超伝導電流導入部の開発研究
- Fabrication of High Quality Superconducting Tunnel Junctions
- 「原子力学生夏期国際交流事業」第9回交換学生・レポート Michelle L. Povinelliさんの印象
- 陽極酸化法によるアルミニウムトンネル接合の製作
- 高温超伝導層流ガス冷却電流リ-ドの設計図表
- 層流ガス冷却高温超伝導電流リードの設計図表
- Inclusive Model-Based X-ray Detection Characteristics of Superconducting Tunnel Junctions
- Properties of Large-Sized Nb-Based Superconducting Tunnel Junctions for X-Ray Detection
- Anisotropy in the Magnetic Penetration Depth of (103)YBa_2Cu_3O_ Thin Films
- 放射線安全と計測技術に関する国際シンポジウム(ISORD-3)
- Response of an On-Chip Coil-Integrated Superconducting Tunnel Junction to X-rays
- 大面積Nb系トンネル接合のX線検出特性 (小特集:超伝導と高エネルギ-粒子の量子相互作用)
- A Simple Method for Measuring Transition Efficiencies of Weak-field Radio Frequency Transition Units for Polarized Atomic Hydrogen Sources
- Simple Analytical Method for Calculating the Field Integral of General Permanent Multipole Magnets
- Suppression of the Josephson Current in Normal-Distribution-Shaped Tunnel Junctions
- Fluxon Transfer Device
- Fluxon Divider
- Fluxon Feedback Oscillator
- Fluxon Observation Using a Josephson Sampler
- Improvement in Parameter Spreads of YBaCuO/PrBaCuO/YBaCuO Trilayer Junctions
- YBa_2Cu_3O_x Crossover Structures Using CeO_2 Film as Insulating Layer
- Scaling Behavior of YBaCuO/PrBaCuO/YBaCuO Trilayer Josephson Junctions
- Study of YBCO/Au Surface Using Low-Temperature Scanning Tunneling Microscopy/Scanning Tunneling Spectroscopy
- Development of Dielectric Microcalorimeter
- Injection-Detection Experiments to Study Diffusion Processes in Nb film using a Three Terminal in-plane Superconducting Double-Tunnel Junctions
- A New Fabrication Process of Superconducting Nb Tunnel Junctions with Ultralow Leakage Current for X-Ray Detection
- Coverage Properties of Nb/Al films made by Electron Cyclotron Resonance
- Effect of the Critical Current Density and the Junction Size on the Leakage Current of Nb/Al-AlO_x/Nb Superconducting Tunnel Junctions for Radiation Detection
- Off-Chip Superconductor Wiring in Multichip Module for Josephson LSI Circuit (Special Section on Superconducting Devices)
- A New Drive Circuit Built in a Multichip Module for Supplying a Two-Phase Power to Josephson LSI Circuits
- Superconductor Wiring in Multichip Module for Josephson LSI Circuits
- Palladium Thin-Film Resistors for Josephson LSI Circuits
- NbN/MgO/NbN Josephson Junctions for Integrated Circuits
- Nb/Al-oxide/Nb and NbN/MgO/NbN Tunnel Junctions in Large Series Arrays for Voltage Standards
- Nb/Al-oxide/Nb Tunnel Junctions for Josephson Integrated Circuits
- 佐賀県立九州シンクロトロン光研究センター
- Liquid-Nitrogen-Cooled Dry Etching of YBaCuO Thin Films
- S-N-S Josephson Junction Consisting of Y-Ba-Cu-O / Au / Nb Thin Films : Electrical Properties of Condensed Matter
- 電子サイクロトロン共鳴スパッタリングシステムにより作成したニオブとアルミ薄膜の特性
- Nb系超伝導トンネル接合による放射光検出 (小特集:超伝導と高エネルギ-粒子の量子相互作用)
- 工学的アプローチによる超伝導X線検出器の性能評価
- TES型マイクロカロリーメータを用いた超ウラン元素LX線測定
- Fiske Steps of Josephson Tunnel Junctions Formed with Normal-Distribution Functi
- Integrated DC-SQUID Magnetometer
- A New Josephson Timed Inverter with Four-Junction Logic (4JL) Gate
- Sub-10 ps Logic Operations in Josephson Four-Junction Logic (4JL) Gates
- A Josephson Full Adder Circuit Using Four-Junction Logic (4JL) Gates : C-2: III-V CRYSTALS/JOSEPHSON JUNCTION
- Operating Characteristics of Josephson Four-Junction Logic (4JL) Gate
- 種々の銅材を使用した電流リードの設計図表
- ニオブ系トンネル接合を用いた極低温放射線検出器
- Flip-Chip Bonding Using Superconducting Solder Bump
- New Flip-Chip Bonding Technology for Supercondueting IC
- A Direct Coupled Josephson Sampler
- X線検出器用マイクロストリップコイル付き超伝導トンネル接合の作製
- 誘電体を利用したマイクロカロリーメーターの検討
- Characteristics of Flux Noise in Long Superconducting Quantum Interference Device Array