Study of YBCO/Au Surface Using Low-Temperature Scanning Tunneling Microscopy/Scanning Tunneling Spectroscopy
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 社団法人応用物理学会の論文
- 1992-11-15
AKOH Hiroshi
Electrotechical Laboratory (ETL)
Electrotechnical Laboratory
Matsuda M
Muroran Institute Of Technology
Matsuda M
Electrotechnical Laboratory:(present Address) Muroran Institute Of Technology
Electrotechnical Laboratory, Tsukuba Research Center
Koikegami S
Jsps Tokyo
Koikegami Shigeru
Jsps:(present Address) Advance Soft And Iis University Of Tokyo
Koikegami Shigeru
Nanoelectronics Research Institute
Koike Soh
Institute Of Materials Science University Of Tsukuba:electrotechnical Laboratory
Matsuda Motohide
Department Of Electrical Engineering Nagaoka University Of Technology
Koike S
Department Of Physics Ii Science University Of Tokyo
Electrotechnical Laboratory
Matsuda Mizushi
Electrotechnical Laboratory:(present Address) Muroran Institute Of Technology
Kohjiro S
Electrotechnical Lab. Tsukuba Jpn
Kohjiro Satoshi
Electrotechnical Laboratory
Kajimura K
Electrotechnical Laboratory
Akoh Hiroshi
Electrotechnical Laboratory
Kajimura Koji
Electrotechnical Laboratory
Kawabata Shiro
Nanotechnology Research Institute Aist
Koyanagi Masao
Electrote Chnicallaboratory
Electrotechnical Laboratory
Koyanagi M
Electrotechnical Laboratory
- Improved abrication Method for Nb/Al/AIO_x/Al/Nb Superconducting Tunnel Junctions as X-Ray Detectors
- Properties of Substrate Phonon Events in Superconducting Tunnel Junctions Induced by X-Ray Absorption
- Conductance spectroscopy of spin-triplet superconductors.
- Single-Layer High-T_c Superconducting Quantum lnterference Device Magnetometer with Double-Pickup-Coil Configuration
- Switching Dynamics of Bi_2Sr_2CaCu_2O_ Intrinsic Josephson Junctions : Macroscopic Quantum Tunneling and Self-Heating Effect(Condensed matter: electronic structure and electrical, magnetic, and optical properties)
- Regulated Epitaxy of YBa_2Cu_3O_ by Atomic Control of Step Arrays on Vicinal SrTio_3(100) Substrates
- Control of Step Arrays on Normal and Vicinal SrTiO_3 (100) Substrates
- High T_c Superconducting States in Organic Metals,β-(BEDT-TTF)_2X : Superconductivity
- Uniaxial-Pressure Induced Ferromagnetism of Enhanced Paramagnetic Sr_3Ru_2O_7 (Condensed Matter : Electronic Structure, Electrical, Magnetic and Optical Properties)
- Flux Coupling in the Direct-Coupled High-T_c Superconducting Quantum Interference Devices
- Fabrication of Ultrasmall High-Quality Bi_2Sr_2CaCu_2O_ Intrinsic Josephson Junctions
- n-Type Control by Sulfur Ion Implantation in Homoepitaxial Diamond Films Grown by Chemical Vapor Deposition
- High-Quality B-Doped Homoepitaxial Diamond Films using Trimethylboron
- Preparation of Superconducting Bi-Pb-Sr-Ca-Cu-O Glass Ceramics with T_=106 K
- Effect of Annealing on Superconductivity in Bi-Pb-Sr-Ca-Cu-O System
- Influence of Intermediate Pressing on Superconducting Characteristics in Bi-Pb-Sr-Ca-Cu-O System
- Influence of Cooling Rate on Superconducting Characteristics of Bi-Pb-Sr-Ca-Cu-O Ceramics
- Superconducting Characteristics and Microstructure of Bi-Pb-Sr-Ca-Cu-O Ceramics : Electrical Properties of Condensed Matter
- Critical Current Density of Bi-Pb-Sr-Ca-Cu-O Superconducting Ceramics : Electrical Properties of Condensed Matter
- Mossbauer and Magnetization Study of YBa_2(Cu_Fe_x)_3O_
- Ordinary and Anomalous Magnetoresistances in β-(BEDT-TTF)_2X (X=IBr_2,I_2Br,I_3)
- Pressure Phase Diagram of the Organic Superconductor β-(BEDT-TIF)_2I_3
- Critical Field Anisotropy in an Organic Superconductor β-(BEDT-TTF)_2IBr_2
- Superconductivity with the Onset at 8 K in the Organic Conductor β-(BEDT-TTF)_2I_3 under Pressure
- Kink Deformation of (TMTSF)_2CIO_4 Single Crystal and Its Influence on Electrecal Resistivity
- Nonlinear Effects near the Superconducting Transition of Organic Synthetic Metal (TMTSF)_2ClO_4
- Nonlinear Effect above the Superconducting Critical Current in (TMTSF)_2ClO_4
- Evidence for Three Dimensional Ordering of Superconductivity in Highly Anisotropic Organic Conductor, (TMTSF)_2ClO_4
- Anomalous Josephson Effect in p-Wave Dirty Junctions
- Josephson current through superconductor/diffusive-normal-metal/superconductor junctions: Interference effects governed by pairing symmetry
- Josephson Effect in d-Wave Superconductor Junctions in a Lattice Model
- Josephson Effect in d-Wave Superconductor Junctions in a Lattice Model
- Influence of Impurity-Scattering on Tunneling Conductance in d-Wave Superconductors with Broken Time Reversal Symmetry (Condensed Matter: Electronic Structure, Electrical, Magnetic and Optical Properties)
- Influence of Impurity-Scattering on Tunneling Conductance in d-Wave Superconductors with Broken Time Reversal Symmetry
- Influence of the Impurity-scattering on Zero-bias Conductance Peak in Ferromagnet/Insulator/d-wave Superconductor Junctions
- Large-Area Tunnel Junction Exhibiting Two Operating Modes for X-ray Detection
- Response of Large Nb-Based Tunnel Junction to X-Rays
- Detection of Synchrotron Radiation by Nb-Based Superconducting Tunnel Junctions
- Nonlinear Optical Susceptibility of Oligo- and Polygermanes
- Evaluation of Hyperpolarizability of Nonlinear Optical Organic Molecules by Hyper-Rayleigh Scattering
- Preparation of Branched Oligogermynes and Their Micropatterning by Ultraviolet Irradiation
- Time-Resolved Emission Anisotropic Studies of Silylene-Diphenylene Copolymers : Energy Migration along the σ-π Conjugated Chain
- Synthesis of σ-π Conjugated Organosilicon Copolymers and Their Optical Properties
- Photodegradation of Polysilanes Studied by Far-Infrared Spectroscopy
- Synthesis of σ-π Conjugated Alternating Silylene-Diacetylene Copolymers and Their Optical and Electrical Properties
- Fabrication of High Quality Superconducting Tunnel Junctions
- Possible Anomalous Doppler Shift Effect in Superconductor Sr_2RuO_4
- Parity-Sensitive Measurements Based on Ferromagnet : Superconductor Tunneling Junctions
- Possible Anomalous Doppler Shift Effect in Superconductor Sr_2RuO_4
- Theory of Magnetotunneling Spectroscopy in Spin Triplet p-Wave Superconductors
- Tunneling Conductance in Normal Metal-High-T_c Cuprate Junctions in the Presence of Magnetic Field
- Resonant Magnetotunneling in AlGaAs/GaAs Triple Barrier Diodes : II. LOW TEMPERATURE PROPERTIES OF SOLIDS : Two Dimensional Electrons and Ions
- Observation of Langmuir-Blodgett Films by Scanning Tunneling Microscopy : Surfaces, Interfaces and Films
- Effect of Atomic Force on the Surface Corrugation of 2H-NbSe_2 Observed by Scanning Tunneling Microscopy
- Observation of Atomic Image of 2H-NbSe_2 Surface by Scanning Tunneling Microscope
- Processing and Superconducting Properties of GdBa_2Cu_3O_ Ceramics : Electrical Properties Condensed Matter
- Influence of Preparative Conditions on the Superconducting Characteristics in GdBa_2Cu_3O_ Ceramics : Electrical Properties of Condensed Matter
- Observation of GdBa_2Cu_3O_ Ceramic Microstructure : Electrical Properties of Condensed Matter
- Properties of Large-Sized Nb-Based Superconducting Tunnel Junctions for X-Ray Detection
- Anisotropy in the Magnetic Penetration Depth of (103)YBa_2Cu_3O_ Thin Films
- Study of YBa_2Cu_3 O_7 Superconductor by Low-Temperature Scanning Tunneling Microscopy and Spectroscopy
- SQUID Galvanometer for Measurements of the Quantized Hall Resistance
- Long-Term Stability of Pb-Pb_xO_y-Pb Josephson Junction Preserved in Liquid Nitrogen
- Effects of Damping Resistance on the Modulation Voltage of Large-Inductance High-T_c Superconducting Quantum Interference Devices
- Modulation Voltage and Flux Noise in High-T_c Grain Boundary Junction Superconducting Quantum Interference Devices
- Punchthrough Effect Observed in the ce I-V Curves of a Josephson Tunnel Junction with Microwave Radiation
- Anomalous dc Characteristics of Josephson Tunnel Junction with High-Power Microwave
- Heating Effect in the Josephson Junction of Pb-Pb_xO_y-Pb
- Preliminary Determination of 2e/h by Josephson Effect
- Electron Tunneling through Chemical Oxide of Silicon
- Electron Tunneling through Chemical Oxide of Silicon
- Critical Current Density and Microstructure of Superconducting YBa_2Cu_3O Films Prepared by a Tape Casting Method : Electrical Properties Condensed Matter
- Fabrication of Superconducting YBa_2Cu_3O_ Films by a Tape Casting Method
- Quantum Oscillation in Absorption of Ballistic Heat Pulse in Bismuth
- Low-Temperature Scanning Tunneling Spectroscopy of a-Axis-Oriented PrBa_2Cu_3O_y Films on YBa_2Cu_3O_x
- Fluxon Transfer Device
- Fluxon Divider
- Fluxon Feedback Oscillator
- Fluxon Observation Using a Josephson Sampler
- Improvement in Parameter Spreads of YBaCuO/PrBaCuO/YBaCuO Trilayer Junctions
- YBa_2Cu_3O_x Crossover Structures Using CeO_2 Film as Insulating Layer
- Scaling Behavior of YBaCuO/PrBaCuO/YBaCuO Trilayer Josephson Junctions
- Study of YBCO/Au Surface Using Low-Temperature Scanning Tunneling Microscopy/Scanning Tunneling Spectroscopy
- Injection-Detection Experiments to Study Diffusion Processes in Nb film using a Three Terminal in-plane Superconducting Double-Tunnel Junctions
- A New Fabrication Process of Superconducting Nb Tunnel Junctions with Ultralow Leakage Current for X-Ray Detection
- Scanning Tunneling Microscopy of Anisotropic Monatomic Steps on a Vicinal Si(001) - 2 × 1 Surface
- Bound States in Superconductors
- Observation of Liquid Crystals on Graphite by Scanning Tunneling Microscopy
- Piezoelectric Actuator for Scanning Tunneling Microscopy : A: Applications and Fundamentals
- Diffusive Conductivity in Quasi One-Dimensional Conductor TMTTF-TCNQ
- Coverage Properties of Nb/Al films made by Electron Cyclotron Resonance
- Effect of the Critical Current Density and the Junction Size on the Leakage Current of Nb/Al-AlO_x/Nb Superconducting Tunnel Junctions for Radiation Detection
- Far-Infrared Reflectance and Transmittance Studies of YBa2Cu3O7-x Single-Crystal Thin Films
- Liquid-Nitrogen-Cooled Dry Etching of YBaCuO Thin Films
- S-N-S Josephson Junction Consisting of Y-Ba-Cu-O / Au / Nb Thin Films : Electrical Properties of Condensed Matter
- Generation and Detection of Elastic Surface Waves with ZnO Film Transducers
- Integrated DC-SQUID Magnetometer
- A Direct Coupled Josephson Sampler
- Effect of Electric Fields on the Excess Electric Current of the Maki Process above the Superconducting Transition Point
- Proximity Effect in NbC_N_/Au Bilayers Observed by Low-Temperature Scanning Tunneling Microscopy