Fluxon Transfer Device
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 社団法人応用物理学会の論文
- 1985-10-20
Sakai S
Tokushima Univ. Tokushima Jpn
AKOH Hiroshi
Electrotechical Laboratory (ETL)
Electrotechnical Laboratory
Sakai Shigeki
Electrotechnical Laboratory
Akoh H
National Institute Of Advanced Industrial Science And Technology
Sakai Shigeki
Electro Technical Laboratory
- V-Shaped Defects in AlGaN/GaN Superlattices Grown on Thin Undoped-GaN Layers on Sapphire Substrate : Surfaces, interfaces, and Films
- Influence of Inversion Domains on Formation of V-Shaped Pits in GaN Films : Surfaces, Interfaces, and Films
- Improved abrication Method for Nb/Al/AIO_x/Al/Nb Superconducting Tunnel Junctions as X-Ray Detectors
- Properties of Substrate Phonon Events in Superconducting Tunnel Junctions Induced by X-Ray Absorption
- GaAs / AlGaAs Light Emitters Fabricated on Undercut GaAs on Si
- Thermal Stress and Dislocation Density in Undercut GaAs on Si
- Photoluminescence Dark Spot Dynamics in GaAs Grown on Si
- Stable Operation of AlGaAs/GaAs Light-Emitting Diodes Fabricated on Si Substrate
- Zinc Diffusion in Al_Ga_As Grown on Si Substrate
- A New Reactor for Metalorganic Chemical Vapor Deposition Equipped with an Internal Rotary Flow Selector
- Comparison and Investigation of Ohmic Characteristics in Ni/AuZn and Cr/Auzn to p-GaN
- Optimization Process in the P-Type Activation and Its Relationship with the Defects Structure in Mg-Doped p-GaN
- Structures for Thermal Stress Reduction in GaAs Layers Grown on Si Substrate
- Stress Distribution Analysis in Structured GaAs Layers Fabricated on Si Substrates
- Tight-Binding Calculation of Electronic Structures of InNAs Ordered Alloys
- Electronic Structure of GaP_N_x Alloys Determined Using Pseudopotentials and Gaussian Orbitals
- Electronic Structures of Wurtzite GaN, InN and Their Alloy Ga_In_xN Calculated by the Tight-Binding Method
- Valence-Band-Edge Energy of Group-III Nitride Alloy Semiconductors
- Effect of Growth Temperature on InGaAsP/GaAsP Expitaxial Growth
- Crosshatch Pattern on InGaAsP Layers Grown on GaAs_P_ Substrate by LPE
- Meltback of GaAs_P_ Substrate in LPE Growth of InGaAsP
- LPE Growth of In_ Ga_xAs_P_y on GaAs_P_
- Room Temperature Operation of Visible (λ=658.6 nm) InGaAsP DH Laser Diodes on GaAsP
- Visible InGaP / GaAsP Dual Wavelength Light Emitting Diodes
- Surface Smoothing Mechanism of AIN Film by Initially Alternating Supply of Ammonia
- Dependence of Acoustoelectric Current Oscillation in InSb on Azimuthal Angle of Transverse Magnetic Field
- Acoustoelectric Current Oscillation in InSb and Its Dependence on the Transverse Magnetic Field
- Sound Velocity Transit of High Field Domain in GaAs under Acoustoelectric Oscillation
- Continuous Current Oscillation in GaAs Caused by Acoustoelectric Effect
- Frequency Spectrum of Microwave Emission from GaAs
- Depletion-Layer Transduction of Surface Waves on Piezoelectric Semiconductor
- GaAlAs/ GaAs TJS Lasers on Si Substrates Operating at Room Temperature Fabricated by MOCVD
- Selective MOCVD Growth of GaAs on Si Substrate with Superlattice Intermediate Layers
- Band Gap Energy and Stress of GaAs Grown on Si by MOCVD
- Deep Levels in GaAs Grown Using Superlattice Intermediate Layers on Si Substrates by MOCVD
- MOCVD Growth of GaAs_P_x (x=0-1) and Fabrication of GaAs_P_ LED on Si Substrate
- MOCVD Growth of GaAs_P_ on Si Substrate
- AlGaAs/GaAs DH Lasers on Si Substrates Grown Using Super Lattice Buffer Layers by MOCVD
- Mechnism of MOCVD Growth for GaAs and AlAs
- Solid Composition and Growth Rate of Ga_Al_xAs Grown Epitaxially by MOCVD
- X-Ray Diffraction Analysis of GaN and GaN/InGaN/GaN Double-Hetero Structures Grown on Sapphire Substrate by Metalorganic Chemical Vapor Deposition
- Annealing of GaN-InGaN Multi Quantum Wells : Correlation between the Bandgap and Yellow Photoluminescence
- Laser-Induced Damage Threshold and Surface Processing of GaN at 400 nm Wavelength
- Large-Area Tunnel Junction Exhibiting Two Operating Modes for X-ray Detection
- Response of Large Nb-Based Tunnel Junction to X-Rays
- Detection of Synchrotron Radiation by Nb-Based Superconducting Tunnel Junctions
- Growth Style of Bi_4Ti_3O_ Thin Films on CeO_2/Ce_Zr_O_2 Buffered Si Substrates
- Photoluminescence Study on InGaN/GaN Quantum Well Structure Grown on (112^^-0) Sapphire Substrate
- Fabrication of High Quality Superconducting Tunnel Junctions
- Fabrication and Electrical Characteristics of a Trench-Type Metal-Ferroelectric-Metal-Insulator-Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor
- Epitaxial Growth of Bi_4Ti_3O_/CeO_2/Ce_Zr_O_2 and Bi_4Ti_3O_/SrTiO_3/Ce_Zr_O_2 Thin Films on Si and Its Application to Metal-Ferroelectric-Insulator-Semiconductor Diodes
- Surface Morphology and Dielectric Properties of Stoichiometric and Off-Stoichiometric SrTiO_3 Thin Films Grown by Molecular Beam Epitaxy
- Dependence of Electrically Induced Strain on Orientation and Composition in Pb(Zr_xTi_)O_3 Films
- Development of a Sessile Drop Method Concerning Czochralski Si Crystal Growth
- Expansion Behavior of Bubbles in Silica Glass Concerning Czochralski (CZ) Si Growth
- Structure and Piezoelectric Properties of 0.9 Pb(Zr,Ti)O_3-0.1 Pb(Mg,Nb)O_3 Films Prepared by Metalorganic Deposition Process
- Analysis of Oxygen Evaporation Rate and Dissolution Rate Concerning Czochralski Si Crystal Growth : Effect of Ar Pressure
- Analysis of an Oxygen Dissolution Process Concerning Czochralski (CZ) Si Crystal Growth using the Sessile Drop Method
- A Digital Method of Gas Laser Etching for Oxide Superconductors
- Observation of Electrical Write/Erase Operations for a Memory-Type Polyrmer-Dispersed Cholesteric Liquid Crystal
- Characteristics of Right- and Left-Handed Polymer-Dispersed Cholesteric Liquid Crystals
- Reflective Color Display Using Polymer-Dispersed Cholesteric Liquid Crystal
- Color Image Formation Using Polymer-Dispersed Cholesteric Liquid Crystal
- Multipage Display Using Stacked Polymer-Dispersed Liquid Crystal Films
- Band Gap Energy and Band Lineup of III-V Alloy Semiconductors Incorporating Nitrogen and Boron
- Molecular Beam Epitaxy Fabrication of SrTiO_3 and Bi_2Sr_2CaCu_2O_8 Heterostructures Using a Novel Reflection High-Energy Electron Diffraction Monitoring Technique
- RHEED Intensity Monirored Growth of Bi-Sr-Ca-Cu-O Superconductors
- Laser Etching of Bi-Sr-Ca-Cu-O Superconducting Thin Films
- Properties of Large-Sized Nb-Based Superconducting Tunnel Junctions for X-Ray Detection
- Anisotropy in the Magnetic Penetration Depth of (103)YBa_2Cu_3O_ Thin Films
- Fluxon Transfer Device
- Fluxon Divider
- Fluxon Feedback Oscillator
- Fluxon Observation Using a Josephson Sampler
- Effect of GaNP Buffer Layer on AlGaN Epilayers Deposited on (0001) Sapphire Substrates by Metalorganic Chemical Vapor Deposition
- Improvement in Parameter Spreads of YBaCuO/PrBaCuO/YBaCuO Trilayer Junctions
- YBa_2Cu_3O_x Crossover Structures Using CeO_2 Film as Insulating Layer
- Scaling Behavior of YBaCuO/PrBaCuO/YBaCuO Trilayer Josephson Junctions
- Study of YBCO/Au Surface Using Low-Temperature Scanning Tunneling Microscopy/Scanning Tunneling Spectroscopy
- Growth and Characterization of Thick GaN by Sublimation Method and Homoepitaxial Growth by Metalorganic Chemical Vapor Deposition
- Injection-Detection Experiments to Study Diffusion Processes in Nb film using a Three Terminal in-plane Superconducting Double-Tunnel Junctions
- A New Fabrication Process of Superconducting Nb Tunnel Junctions with Ultralow Leakage Current for X-Ray Detection
- Coverage Properties of Nb/Al films made by Electron Cyclotron Resonance
- Effect of the Critical Current Density and the Junction Size on the Leakage Current of Nb/Al-AlO_x/Nb Superconducting Tunnel Junctions for Radiation Detection
- Nb/Al-oxide/Nb Tunnel Junctions for Josephson Integrated Circuits
- Liquid-Nitrogen-Cooled Dry Etching of YBaCuO Thin Films
- S-N-S Josephson Junction Consisting of Y-Ba-Cu-O / Au / Nb Thin Films : Electrical Properties of Condensed Matter
- MOCVD Growth of InP Using Plasma Pre-Cracking
- A New Josephson Timed Inverter with Four-Junction Logic (4JL) Gate
- Sub-10 ps Logic Operations in Josephson Four-Junction Logic (4JL) Gates
- A Josephson Full Adder Circuit Using Four-Junction Logic (4JL) Gates : C-2: III-V CRYSTALS/JOSEPHSON JUNCTION
- Operating Characteristics of Josephson Four-Junction Logic (4JL) Gate
- Josephson Tunnel Junctions with Nb, NbN Double-Layered Electrodes
- Tunneling Characteristics of NbN/NbN Josephson Junctions with Glow-Discharge-Produced Amorphous Silicon Barriers
- Current Injection Logic Gate with Four Josephson Junctions : C-2: JOSEPHSON DEVICES
- Fabrication of High Quality NbN/Pb Josephson Junction : C-2: JOSEPHSON DEVICES
- Photoenhancement of Surface Wave Convolution on GaAs
- A Direct Coupled Josephson Sampler
- Travelling Waves on a Josephson Transmission Line
- Recent Advances in Josephson Material and Device : C-2: III-V CRYSTALS/JOSEPHSON JUNCTION