Prostaglandin F<SUB>2α</SUB> Main Urinary Metaboliteの妊娠, 分娩, 産褥の動態に関する研究
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Though prostaglandin (PG) derivatives are widely used for the induction of labor, the physiological levels in plasma are still controversial because of the difficulty concerning its measurement. <BR>Since the main urinary metabolite of PG-F2<SUB>α</SUB> (PG-2<SUB>α</SUB> MUM) has been identified as 5α, 7α-dihydroxy-11-ketotetranoprosta-1, 16-dioic acid by Granström et al., the measurement of this metabolite has been developed by using Gas-chromatography-mass-spectrome try or radioimmunoassay. <BR>This paper reports the examination of a radioimmunoassay for PG-2<SUB>α</SUB> MUM and further, the changes of this metabolite during pregnancy, labor and the early postpartum period by using this assay method. <BR>In this assay system, <SUP>125</SUP>I was used for the labelling isotope, and the double antibody technique was used for the separation of bound and free PG-2<SUB>α</SUB> MUM. <BR>Any extraction and purification procedures were unnecessary. <BR>The range of measurement (0.1-10ng/ml) was sensitive enough for the measurement of urinary levels, and some dilution of urinary samples were required. <BR>The values of intra-assay coefficient of variation (CV) obtained from quintriplicate measurements were 7.2-14.3%. <BR>The values of inter-assay CV obtained from five different runs were less than 15.0%. <BR>Thus, together with the mean recovery rate (94.8%), this assay method provides sufficient precision and accuracy for clinical purposes. <BR>By using this method the following results were obtained : <BR>PG-2<SUB>α</SUB> MUM levels during normal pregnancy were examined using 218 samples of urine taken during 24 hours. At the first and second trimesters, PG-F2<SUB>α</SUB> MUM levels were lower than at non-pregnant levels (18.73±5.75ng/ml), which were obtained from 11 healthy nonpregnant women. At the third trimester, PG-F2<SUB>α</SUB> MUM levels increased to the levels of 1.5 times higher than those of the first or second trimester. <BR>Serial measurements in 12 normal pregnant women from the 8th month of pregnancy to delivery revealed that PG-F2<SUB>α</SUB> MUM levels remained rather steady during pregnancy but increased rapidly during labor. <BR>The maximum level (250.27±36.33ng/ml) was attained at 2 hours after delivery, and the elevated level returned to that before delivery at the second day of postpartum. <BR>The present results suggest that PG-F2<SUB>α</SUB> MUM levels increased as the result of uterine contraction.
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