- 論文の詳細を見る
The measurement method of rheology in food is discussed. The mechanical measurement of food is classified into basic, experimental and simulation methods. By the basic method, fixed values of the viscosity and the elasticity of the basic rheology can be obtained. By the experimental method, the fixed values of the hardness and rupture stress which are related to experimental texture are able to be measured. By the simulation method, the measurement with the instrumental device which imitates process of cooking and mastication is indicated. The measurement in a minute deformation domain is divided into two as follows: static and kinematic viscoelasticity measurement. Creep behavior and stress relaxation behavior in a static method are measured, and delay time and relaxation time also are measured. Creep behavior (activation energy of Dango and creep behavior of Gomatofu), and stress relaxation behavior in a static method are measured, and delay time and relaxation time also are measured. Conversely, the measurement of kinematic viscoelasticity (particle and matrix gel) elucidates a change of aging and denaturation of food. Mechanical properties of a large deformation domain are important since it is compressed and is broken by the mastication while eating. In addition, the preparation of food when it is cooked (pushed, expanded and cut) is directly related to mechanical property of a large deformation domain. In a large deformation domain, the measurement of characteristic texture property, fixed compression rupture stress (particle and matrix gel, nonglutinous rice flour dough) and rheometer (cooked rice, milk jelly, Gomatofu) by instrument measurement are all possible. Furthermore, how to measure of correlation between sensory evaluation and coefficient of elasticity, texture parameter by instrument measurements need to be investigated.
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