- 論文の詳細を見る
Many cases of pancreatolithiasis as a relatively terminal state of chronic pancreatitis have been reported in Europe and America, but in recent years, an increasing number of cases of this disease have been reported in Japan, too, as the pancreatic function test has been positively performed. We have encountered four cases of pancreatolithiasis. and the findings are presented hereunder.<BR>Alcohol is one of the major causes of pancreatolithiasis. It is responsible in about 20% of the cases of this disease in Europe and America. Three cases (75%) out of the four encountered by us were reported to have been heavy drinkers for many years. A dietary factor (namely, low-protein, high-fat diet), too, appeared to be involved in them.<BR>Diabetes mellitus is frequently encountered as a complication, and it was found in all of the ; four cases. It is characteristic of pancreatic diabetes that the disease is refractory, and not a few cases are in need of insuline. Two of the four cases were not well controlled. In the aspect of pancreatic function, the three factors of P-S test are low in many cases, and in the four cases, the max CO<SUB>2</SUB> and amylase output were markedly lower than those in cases of non-calcifying chronic pancreatitis.<BR>Pancreatic scintigram show a decreased uptake of isotope by the pancreas, namely, an obscure shadow. It appeared in the four cases that these test results were relatively well consistent with the intensity of histologic changes in the pancreas.
- 学校法人 昭和大学・昭和医学会の論文
小貫 誠
八田 善夫
田口 進
清水 盈行
坂本 言方
桜井 大和
池田 左千雄
須沢 忍
草ヶ谷 雅志
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