Chondrosarcoma of the thoracic spine: A case report.
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Involvement of the spine by chondrosarcoma is rare. We recently experienced a case of chondrosarcoma in thoracic spine. A fifty-eight years old male visited our hospital because revealed a group lung cancer examination an abnormal shadow in his chest roentgenogram. He had no complaint and neurological symptom. Myelo CT demonstrated a large mass with calcification which extended into the left T-9 paraspinal mediastinal region and also compressed spinal cord in spinal canal. The patient was treated with two-stage operation. Left T8-T9 hemilaminectomy and resection of the tumor in intraspinal canal was followed by resection of the tumor in paraspinal region.Histological examination demonstrated well differenciated chondrosarcoma (Grade I). At five months after the second surgery he had no complaint and symptom. But the long-term follow-up is thought to be needed due to the specific nature of frequent recurrence of this tumor.
- 西日本整形・災害外科学会の論文
奥江 章
佐賀県立病院 整形外科
石崎 知樹
佐賀県立病院 好生館 整形外科
松口 信行
佐賀県立病院好生館 整形外科
河村 誠一
小西 淳二
小田 義直
田原 敬士
柴田 堅一郎
九州大学医学部 整形外科
奥江 章
佐賀県立病院 好生館 整形外科
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