Treatment of nonunion of fractures of the humerus.
- 論文の詳細を見る
The purpose of this paper is to discuss the treatment of pseudoarthrosis of the humerus. The results of 5 cases operated on from 1982 to 1988 were presented and analyzed. Of all the cases, 3 cases had the nonunion in the middle third of the humerus and 2 in the proximal third. For the initial treatment, 3 cases were treated conservatively and 2 operatively. Of the former cases, one case had the good result at the first operation but the other cases were reoperated. The one case underwent a second procedure and the other case underwent a third procedure before healing. Of the latter cases, one case healed with one operation and the other case required a second procedure. Finally, all cases had the good results.
山田 雅彦
奥江 章
佐賀県立病院 整形外科
石崎 知樹
佐賀県立病院 好生館 整形外科
松口 信行
佐賀県立病院好生館 整形外科
河村 誠一
小西 淳二
小田 義直
田原 敬士
奥江 章
佐賀県立病院 好生館 整形外科
山田 雅彦
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