A review of anterior cervical decompression and fusion - Particularly on spinal canal stenosis.:Particularly on Spinal Canal Stenosis
- 論文の詳細を見る
From 1974 through 1981, Ninety-nine patients were treated with anterior cervical decompression and fusion at our hospital. Fifty-nine cases, which include fifty-one with cervical spondylostic myelopathy and eight with cervical disc herniation, could be followed suitable for this analysis.There was no significant difference between the improvement of paralysis in patients with stenotic spinal canal and with non-stenotic one. The anterior decompression and fusion was effective even in patients with cervical spinal canal stenosis.Postoperative kyphoxic deformity of the cervical spinie was found mainly in cases with delayed union, and seems to be created by the sinking of the grafted bone at anterosuperior portion. This final-alignment of cervical spine should be followed carefully.
- 西日本整形・災害外科学会の論文
秋山 徹
吉本 隆昌
柴田 堅一郎
九州大学医学部 整形外科
津村 弘
河野 洋一
脇田 吉樹
丸井 俊一
九州大学医学部 整形外科
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