Scoliosiss treatment by Harrington rod Segmental Spinal Instrumentation.
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Scoliosis treatment should be considered not only in a frontal plane but in a saggital. Herein the authors reported four scoliotic patients with loss of thoracic kyphosis successfully treated by Harrington rod Segmental Spinal Instrumentation (H-SSI).H-SSI provides a lot of advantages and usefullness for rigid fixation and correction of scoliotic deformities compared with the conventional Harrington Instrumentation, though it has technical difficulties with a high risk of complication.
- 西日本整形・災害外科学会の論文
大石 年秀
秋山 徹
柴田 堅一郎
九州大学医学部 整形外科
諫山 哲郎
小野 哲男
九州大学医学部 整形外科
藤田 泰宏
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