Luque segmental spinal instrumentation for stabilization of lumbo-sacral junction.
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There are many problems in stabilizing lumbosacral junction posterioly in spite of the progress of spinal instrumentation such as Harrington and Knod rod. Recently we tried to use Luque segmental spinal instrumentation (LSSI) on eight cases to stabilize the lumbosacral junction. LSSI showed remarkable stability, and it reduced the period of postoperative bed rest. We reported these eight cases, and discussed some advantages and problems of the procedure.The eight cases, three males and five females, consisted of seven cases of spondylolisthesis and a case of lumber spinal canal stenosis. These were fused from one segment above the lesion level to sacrum with bone graft to the posterior or posterolateral aspect the spine. The patients were permitted to get out of bed and ambulate in a couple of weeks with soft brace. All cases obtained improvement in pain, claudication and neurological disturbances. Although most cases of spondylolisthesis obtained good correction initially, some cases showed loss of correction gradually.
- 西日本整形・災害外科学会の論文
小野 哲男
柴田 堅一郎
九州大学医学部 整形外科
秋山 徹
飯田 博幸
吉井 一郎
秋山 徹
広島赤十字, 原爆病院 整形外科
秋山 徹
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