- 論文の詳細を見る
The turbidity and the casein components of turbid material and supernatant were investigated when αs-, κ-, β- and whole caseins were mixed with the γ-casein fraction (UAM) both in the absence and presence of Ca2+. 1. In the absence of Ca2+, the turbidity of UAM was restrained by mixing with other caseins; κ-casein was the most effective, and next in order were whole, β- and γs-caseins. The turbid material at the ratio of 3.0 was mainly composed of S-, TS- and γ•B-casein and trace amounts of αs-, κ- and β-casein were also, contained. In the supernatant, the amount of γ•A-casein was more than that in the turbid material, and there were also plenty of αs-, κ- and β-caseins in the supernatant. 2. When αs- and β-caseins were mixed respectively with UAM in the presence of Ca2+, both mixtures precipitated and it was impossible to measure their turbidity. When κ-casein was mixed with UAM, its turbidity slightly decreased in comparison with the case of the absence of Ca2+. On the other hand when whole casein was mixed, the mixture became turbid on account of the presence of Ca2+ and αs- and β-caseins, and it was stabilyzed by κ-casein. When the mixture ratio of UAM to whole casein was small, the turbidity was large on account of the presence of whole casein and it decreased near at the ratio of 1.0. But at higher ratio, the turbidity increased. Even if UAM increased in the casein solution, most of it existed in the turbid material and hardly increased in the supernatant.
- 社団法人 日本農芸化学会の論文
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