- 論文の詳細を見る
Effects of glucagon insulin (G-I) treatment upon amino acid metabolism were studied in 10 patients with hepatic encephalopathy by comparing plasma amino acid levels before and after three hour intravenous infusion of G I. After G I infusions to these patients, plasma levels of all amino acids were uniformly decreased, and significant decreases of plasma levels of total amino acids and of essential amino acids were found. In fatal cases, the increases of total amino acids as well as BCAA, AAA and Met were significantly greater than those in non fatal cases, and reductions of these para meters after G I infusions in the former group were less remarkable than in the latter group.<BR>From thses results, it was suggested that G I treatment works in reducing plasma amino acid levels, and that this effect, together with the ammonia reducing effect reported in the previous paper, represents the action of G-I in adjusting metabolic abnormalities in hepatic insufficiency.
菅 充生
安斎 哲郎
藤嶋 彰
谷内 昭
細川 幸夫
木下 博
藤田 英雄
斉藤 美知子
白井 祐一
藤嶋 彰
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