Effect of Glycolipid Fraction on Fat Bloom in Dark and Milk Chocolates
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We earlier reported that glyceroglycolipid extracted from pumpkin significantly retarded the polymorphic transformation from Form V to VI of cocoa butter. We therefore investigated the effects of adding glyceroglycolipid on the fat bloom stability in dark and milk chocolates. Glycolipid fraction containing glyceroglycolipid was extracted with ethanol from pumpkin purée and partially purified on column chromatography. The apparent viscosity of dark and milk chocolates with the addition of the gained glycolipid fraction instead of lecithin significantly decreased up to 0.2% (w/w) according to a rotational viscometer at 45°C, and then decreased slightly at concentrations above that. The glycolipid fraction was then added to dark and milk chocolates up to 2% in place of lecithin. Each chocolate sample was evaluated for fat bloom resistance through two thermo-cycle tests given at an interval of 12 h between 30°C and 20°C, and between 32°C and 20°C. The accelerated tests indicated that the glycolipid fraction inhibited fat bloom compared to the control (0.4% lecithin). In dark and milk chocolates with the addition of 2.0% glycolipid fraction the polymorphic transformation from Form V to VI of cocoa butter was significantly retarded when measured by a differential scanning calorimeter. On the basis of these results, the quality of chocolate can be improved more effectively using the glycolipid fraction.
- 社団法人 日本食品科学工学会の論文
- 2000-11-01
Biochemical Research Laboratory, Ezaki Glico Co., Ltd.
TO-O Kenji
Health Science Laboratory, Ezaki Glico
Kuriki T
Health Science Laboratory Ezaki Glico
Tanimoto H
Ajinomoto Co. Inc. Kawasaki Jpn
Okada S
School Of Pharmaceutical Sciences University Of Shizuoka
岡田 昌二
岡田 昌二
静岡県大 薬
Okada S
Exploratory Research Laboratories Fujisawa Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd.
Kometani T
Biochemical Res. Lab. Ezaki Glico Co. Ltd.
Kuriki T
Ezaki Glico Co. Ltd. Osaka Jpn
Kometani Takashi
Biochemical Research Laboratory, Ezaki Glico Co., Ltd.
Takii Hiroshi
Biochemical Research Laboratory, Ezaki Glico Co., Ltd.
Okada Shigetaka
Biochemical Research Laboratory, Ezaki Glico Co., Ltd.
岡田 昌二
To-o Kenji
Health Science Laboratory Ezaki Glico
Kuriki Takashi
Biochemical Research Laboratory Ezaki Glico
Kuriki Takashi
Biochemical Research Laboratories Ezaki Glico Co. Ltd.
Nishimura Takahisa
Biochemical Research Laboratory Ezaki Glico Co. Ltd.
Takii H
Biochemical Research Laboratory Ezaki Glico Co. Ltd.
Nakae Takashi
Biochemical Research Laboratory Ezaki Glico Co. Ltd.
Nishimura T
Biochemical Research Laboratory Ezaki Glico Co. Ltd.
Kuriki T
Biochemical Research Laboratory Ezaki Glico
Kometani Takashi
Biochemical Research Laboratory Ezaki Glico Co. Ltd.
Okada Shigetaka
Biochemical Research Laboratory Ezaki Glico Co. Ltd.
TAKII Hiroshi
Biochemical Research Laboratory, Ezaki Glico Co. Ltd.
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