α-アルブチンの開発 : 工業スケールでの製造および美白化粧品原料への応用
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私たちはフェノール性水酸基への糖転移反応を効率的に触媒する新規酵素を得ることに成功した。本酵素、すなわちハイドロキノン配糖化酵素はα-アノマー選択的な配糖化反応を触媒した。さらに本酵素を用いる反応は、生成物である4-hydroxyphenyl-O-α-D-glucopyranosideを非常に高い収量で得ることができ、産業的な利用に十分なレベルを充たしていた。本酵素反応によりコウジ酸やカフェ酸をはじめ多くのフェノール化合物が配糖化されたがアルコールは配糖化されなかった。さらに私たちは本酵素反応により得られた配糖体の一種である4-hydroxyphenyl-O-α-D-glucopyranoside (α-アルブチン) の応用研究に取り組んだ。α-アルブチンはヒト細胞由来チロシナーゼを強力に阻害し、その阻害活性は構造異性体である4-hydroxyphenyl-O-α-D-glucopyranoside (アルブチン) よりも非常に高いものであった。私たちは数種類のα-アルブチン配糖体とアルブチン配糖体を酵素合成した。得られた配糖体のチロシナーゼ阻害活性の比較結果から、分子の大きさとベンゼン環周辺の静電ポテンシャルがハイドロキノン配糖体のヒトチロシナーゼ阻害作用に大きく影響を与えることが示唆された。さらにα-アルブチンのメラニン生合成に対する阻害効果についても検討を行った。α-アルブチンは細胞毒性を示さない濃度域においてヒトメラノーマ細胞やヒト皮膚3次元モデルのメラニン生成を濃度依存的に抑制した。上記の結果よりα-アルブチンは有効かつ安全な化粧品用美白素材であることが示唆された。
- 2007-11-02
Biochemical Research Laboratory, Ezaki Glico Co., Ltd.
Biochemical Research Laboratory, Ezaki Glico Co., Ltd.
KURIKI Takashi
Biochemical Research Laboratory, Ezaki Glico Co., Ltd.
TO-O Kenji
Health Science Laboratory, Ezaki Glico
Kuriki T
Health Science Laboratory Ezaki Glico
Kometani T
Biochemical Res. Lab. Ezaki Glico Co. Ltd.
Kuriki T
Ezaki Glico Co. Ltd. Osaka Jpn
To-o Kenji
Health Science Laboratory Ezaki Glico
Kuriki Takashi
Biochemical Research Laboratory Ezaki Glico
Kuriki Takashi
Biochemical Research Laboratories Ezaki Glico Co. Ltd.
Sugimoto Kazuhisa
Biochemical Research Laboratory Ezaki Glico
Sugimoto Kazuhisa
Department Of Applied Biological Chemistry College Of Agriculture University Of Osaka Prefecture
Nishimura Takahisa
Biochemical Research Laboratory Ezaki Glico Co. Ltd.
Nishimura Takahisa
Research Planning Division Ezaki Glico
Nishimura Takahisa
Department Of Agricultural Chemistry College Of Agriculture University Of Osaka Prefecture
Sugimoto Kenji
Nishimura T
Central Research Laboratories Kissei Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd.
Kuriki T
Biochemical Research Laboratory Ezaki Glico
- α-アルブチンの開発 : 工業スケールでの製造および美白化粧品原料への応用
- Experimental study on cross-reactivity of α-arbutin toward p-phenylenediamine and hydroquinone in guinea pigs
- Regioselective Hydrolytic Cleavage of N-Terminal Myristoyl-peptide
- Highly Branched Oligosaccharides Produced by the Transglycosylation Reaction of Neopullulanase
- Neopullulanase Exhibits Distinct Specificity toward Amylose and Amylopectin
- Synthesis of 3,4-Dimethoxyphenyl β-D-Glucopyranoside and Its Related Glycosides by Cultured Plant Cells
- Glucosylation of Capsaicin by Cell Suspension Cultures of Coffea arabica
- Glucosylation of Vanillin by Cultured Plant Cells
- A New Method for Precipitation of Various Glucosides with Cyclodextrin Glucano-transferase
- 馬鈴薯澱粉由来リン酸化オリゴ糖の生産と応用
- Novel Transglucosylating Reaction of Sucrose Phosphorylase to Carboxylic Compounds Such as Benzoic Acid(ENZYMOLOGY, PROTEIN ENGINEERING, AND ENZYME TECHNOLOGY)
- Syntheses of α-Arbutin-α-Glycosides and Their Inhibitory Effects on Human Tyrosinase(Enzymology, Protein Engineering, and Enzyme Technology)
- Inhibitory Effects of α-Arbutin on Melanin Synthesis in Cultured Human Melanoma Cells and a Three-Dimensional Human Skin Model (Pharmacology)
- Absorbability of Calcium from Calcium-bound Phosphoryl Oligosaccharides in Comparison with That from Various Calcium Compounds in the Rat Ligated Jejunum Loop(Food & Nutrition Science)
- Syntheses of Arbutin-α-glycosides and a Comparison of Their Inhibitory Effects with Those of α-Arbutin and Arbutin on Human Tyrosinase
- Substrate Selectivity in Aspergillus niger KU-8 Acid Phosphatase II Using Phosphoryl Oligosaccharides
- A Novel Acid Phosphatase from Aspergillus niger KU-8 That Specifically Hydrolyzes C-6 Phosphate Groups of Phosphoryl Oligosaccharides
- Effect of Phosphoryl Oligosaccharides on Iron Solubility under Neutral Conditions
- Studies of Phosphoryl Oligosaccharides Prepared from Potato Starch〔含 質疑応答〕 (糖質関連酵素化学シンポジウム)
- The Structures of Phosphoryl Oligosaccharides Prepared from Potato Starch
- Regioselective Cleavage of Myristoyl-Peptide in Acidic Solution
- Alteration of the Specificity of Neopullulanase by Protein Engineering (アミラ-ゼシンポジウム(1991)特集)
- Asymmetric Borane Reduction of Prochiral Ketone Using Chiral Bis(α,α-diphenyl-2-pyrrolidinemethanol) Carbonate
- The Practical Synthesis of a Uterine Relaxant, Bis(2-{[(2S)-2-({(2R)-2-hydroxy-2-[4-hydroxy-3-(2-hydroxyethyl)-phenyl]ethyl}amino)-1, 2, 3, 4-tetrahydronaphthalen-7-yl]oxy}-N, N-dimethylacetamide)Sulfate(KUR-1246)
- The Practical Synthesis of(2S)-7-Methoxy-1, 2, 3, 4-tetrahydro-2-naphthylamine via Optical Resolution of 2-(3-Methoxybenzyl)succinic Acid
- Asymmetric Borane Reduction of Prochiral Ketones Using Aluminum Triethoxide and Chiral Amino Alcohls
- Synthesis of Anacardic Acids, 6-[8(Z), 11(Z)-Pentadecadienyl]salicylic Acid and 6-[8(Z), 11(Z), 14-Pentadecatrienyl]salicylic Acid
- Improved Synthesis of Anacardic Acids, 6-Pentadecylsalicylic Acid and 6-[8(Z)-Pentadecenyl]salicylic Acid, from Aldehyde and Acetoacetate
- Optimization of Operating Conditions in a High-Shear Mixer Using DEM Model : Determination of Optimal Fill Level
- DEM Simulation of Mixing and Segregation in High-Shear Mixer (特集 材料設計のための粉体評価)
- A Sports Drink Based on Highly Branched Cyclic Dextrin Generates Few Gastrointestinal Disorders in Untrained Men during Bicycle Exercise
- Antidiabetic Effect of Glycyrrhizin Genetically Diabetic KK-A^y Mice
- Enhancement of Swimming Endurance in Mice by Highly Branched Cyclic Dextrin
- Effect of Glycolipid Fraction on Fat Bloom in Dark and Milk Chocolates
- Preparation of Glyceroglycolipids from Pumpkin and Their Effects on Polymorphic Transformation of Cocoa Butter
- A Method for Preparation of Soluble Carthamin, Red Pigment from Safflower, Using Glycosyl Hesperidin
- Effects of Salt and pH on Property of Emulsion Prepared with Monolaurin Monoglucoside
- Synthesis of Monoacylglycerol Monoglucoside by Rice α-Glucosidase and Its Foaming Power
- Lowering Effect of Phenolic Glycosides on the Rise in Postprandial Glucose in Mice
- Glucosylation of Acetic Acid by Sucrose Phosphorylase
- Structures and Activity of Cellulase Inhibitors Enzymatically Synthesized from Cello-oligosaccharides and 1-Deoxynojirimycin
- Effects of Glyceroglycolipids Prepared from Various Natural Materials on Polymorphic Transformation of Cocoa Butter
- Acceptor Specificity of Cyclodextrin Glucanotransferase from an Alkalophilic Bacillus Species and Synthesis of Glucosyl Rhamnose
- Synthesis of Neohesperidin Glycosides and Naringin Glycosides by Cyclodextrin Glucanotransferase from an Alkalophilic Bacillus Species
- Cyclic α-1,4-Glucan Formation by Bacterial α-Amylases
- New Proteinacens α-Amylase inhibitor (T-76) from Streptomyces nitrosporeus
- 工業用酵素への異種機能導入へのアプローチ
- Glucosylation of Caffeic Acid with Bacillus subtilis X-23 α-Amylase and a Description of the Glucosides
- Transglycosylation to Hesperidin by Cyclodextrin Glucanotransferase from an Alkalophilic Bacillus Species in Alkaline pH and Properties of Hesperidin Glycosides
- Acceptor Specificity in the Glucosylation Reaction of Bacillus subtilis X-23 α-Amylase towards Various Phenolic Compounds and the Structure of Kojic Acid Glucoside
- Purification and Some Properties of α-Amylase from Bacillus subtilis X-23 That Glucosylates Phenolic Compounds Such as Hydroquinone
- Puritication and Characterization of Cyclodextrin Glucanotransferase from an Alkalophilic Bacillus Species and Transglycosylation at Alkaline pHs
- Glucosylation of Acetic Acid by Sucrose Phosphorylase
- The Concept of the α-Amylase Family : Structural Similarity and Common Catalytic Mechanism
- Prevention of Hesperidin Crystal Formation in Canned Mandarin Orange Syrup and Clarified Orange Juice by Hesperidin Glycosides
- Function of Second Glucan Binding Site Including Tyrosines 54 and 101 in Thermus aquaticus Amylomaltase(ENZYMOLOGY, PROTEIN ENGINEERING, AND ENZYME TECHNOLOGY)
- α-アミラーゼファミリーの概念 : 糖質酵素のタンパク質工学のための合理的手段
- 緒言 : 糖質科学と糖質工学の産業的利用
- Neopullulanase Exhibits Distinct Specificity toward Amylose and Amylopectin
- Effects of Salts and pH on the Emulsion Stabilities of Digalactosylmonoacylglycerol and Trigalactosylmonoacylglycerol.
- Foaming Power and Emulsifying Properties of the Hydrolyzates by Lipase from Rhizopus arrhizus on Digalactosyldiacylglycerol and Trigalactosyldiacylglycerol Extracted from Pumpkin.