Substrate Misorientation Effects on Silicon-Doped AlGaAs Layers Grown on GaAs(111)A by Molecular Beam Epitaxy
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 社団法人応用物理学会の論文
- 1993-07-15
Watanabe Teruo
Futaba Corporation
Watanabe T
Components Development Group Sony Corporation
Watanabe T
Ritsumeikan Univ. Shiga Jpn
Watanabe Tetsu
Components Development Group Sony Corporation
WATANABE Toshihide
ATR Optical and Radio Communication Research Laboratory
Watanabe T
Tokyo Inst. Technol. Kanagawa Jpn
Watanabe T
Reserch And Development Division Toto Ltd.
Watanabe T
Tokyo Univ. Agriculture And Technol. Tokyo Jpn
Watanabe T
Tohoku Univ. Sendai Jpn
Watanabe Toshihide
Atr Adaptive Communications Research Laboratories:(present Address)science And Technical Research La
FUJITA Kazuhisa
ATR Optical and Radio Communications Research Laboratories
Yamamoto Takenori
Deptarment Of Electrical And Electronic Engineering Toyohashi University Of Technology
Yamamoto Tokujirou
Department Of Materials Science And Engineering Kyoto University
ATR Optical and Radio Communications Research Laboratories
Takebe Toshihiko
Atr Optical And Radio Communications Research Laboratories
Yamamoto Takayoshi
The Institute Of Scientific And Industrial Research Osaka University
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- A Magneto-Optical Recording Method of Magnetic Field Modulation with Pulsed Laser Irradiation : DRIVE TECHNOLOGY II
- Highly Uniform GaAs/AIAs Quantum Wires Grown on [001] Ridges of GaAs(100) Patterned Substrates by Molecular Beam Epitaxy
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- Preparation of YBa_2Cu_3O_y Superconducting Thin Films on Metallic Substrates by Excimer Laser Ablation
- Deposition of YBa_2Cu_3O_y Thin Films on Metallic Substrates by Laser Ablation
- High Critical Current Density in Silver-Sheathed Bi_2Sr_2Ca_1Cu_2Ag_yO_x Tape
- Preparation of High-T_c Y-Ba-Cu-O Films by Three-Target Magnetron Sputtering
- Properties of Pb-Doped Bi-Sr-Ca-Cu-O Superconductors Prepared by the Intermediate Pressing Process
- Improvements in the Current Carrying Capacity in High-T_c BiSrCaCuO Superconductors : Electrical Properties of Condensed Matter
- Preparation of Highly Oriented Microstructure in the (Bi, Pb)-Sr-Ca-Cu-O Sintered Oxide Superconductor : Electrical Properties of Condensed Matter
- New Technique for Preparation of BiSrCaCuO Thin Films with T_c of 100 K and Above : Electrical Properties Condensed Matter
- Sputter Deposition of BiSrCaCuOThin Films : Electrical Properties of Condensed Matter
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- Anisotropic, thermal, and magnetic properties of CeAgSb2: Explanation via a crystalline electric field scheme
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- Photo Chemical Vapor Deposition of Metal Oxide Films Relating to Bi-Sr-Ca-Cu-O Superconductor
- Purification and UV-VIS Light Absorption Property of Source Materials for CVD of High-T_c Superconducting Films
- Ring-Field Extreme Ultraviolet Exposure System Using Aspherical Mirrors
- Influence of RF Power on Properties of a-Si_Ge_x:H Prepared by RF Glow Discharge Decomposition
- Two Components of Light-Induced Photoconductivity Decays in a-Si:H
- Fabrication of a New Multilayered Amorphous Silicon Photoreceptor Drum by Glow Discharge Method
- Room-Temperature Operation of a Lateral Tunneling Transistor Fabricated by Plane-Dependent Silicon Doping in Nonplanar Epitaxy
- Thermal Stability of Beryllium Atoms in Be δ-Doped GaAs Grown on GaAs(111)A by Molecular Beam Epitaxy
- Lateral Tunneling Devices on GaAs (111)A and (311)A Patterned Substrates Grown by MBE Using Only Silicon Dopant
- Hydride Vapor Phase Epitaxy of GaN on NdGaO_3 Substrate and Realization of Freestanding GaN Wafers with 2-inch Scale
- Hydride Vapor Phase Epitaxy of GaN on NdGaO_3 Substrate and Realization of Freestanding GaN Wafers with 2-inch Scale
- Ferromagnetism and Large Negative Magnetoresistance in Pb Doped Bi-Sr-Co-O Misfit-Layer Compound : Condensed Matter: Electronic Properties, etc.
- Electroluminescence of AlAs/GaAs Disordered Superlattices
- Influence of Type-I to Type-II Transition by an Applied Electric Field on Photoluminescence and Carrier Transport in GaAs/AlAs Type-I Short-Period Superlattices
- Vanishing of Negative Differential Resistance Region due to Electric Field Screening in Wannier-Stark Localization Type Self-Electro-Optic Effect Devices
- Valence Band Modulation in InGaAs/InAlAs Superlattices with Tensilely Strained Wells Grown on InGaAs Quasi-Substrate on GaAs
- Classification of Inhomogeneities in Hydrogenated Amorphous Silicon
- Reduction of Gap State Density in a-SiGe:H Alloys
- Gap States in a-SiGe:H Examined by the Constant Photocurrent Method
- Medium-Range Order of Amorphous Silicon Germanium Alloys : Small-Angle X-Ray Scattering Study
- Influence of Deposition Conditions on Properties of a-SiGe:H Prepared by Microwave-Excited Plasma CVD : Condensed Matter
- Microwave-Excited Plasma CVD of a-Si:H Films Utilizing a Hydrogen Plasma Stream or by Direct Excitation of Silane
- Chemical Vapor Deposition of a-SiGe:H Films Utilizing a Microwave-Excited Plasma
- Chemical Vapor Deposition of a-Si:H Films Utilizing a Microwave Excited Ar Plasma Stream
- Electroluminescence from Lateral P-N Junctions Grown on (111)A GaAs Patterned Substrates
- Low Resistance NiAuGe/Au Ohmic Contacts on N-Type (111)A GaAs
- Demonstration of Lateral p-n Subband Junctions in Si Delta-Doped Quantum Welts on (111)A Patterned Substrates
- Low Diffusivity of Dopants in (111)A GaAs
- Misorientation Dependernce of Crystal Structures and Electrical Properties of Si-Doped AlAs Grown on (111)A GaAs by Molecular Beam Epitaxy
- Substrate Misorientation Effects on Silicon-Doped AlGaAs Layers Grown on GaAs(111)A by Molecular Beam Epitaxy
- Lateral P-N Subband Junctions Fabricated on Patterned Substrates
- Estimation of the Surface State Density of N-Type (111)A GaAs Grown Using Molecular Beam Epitaxy
- Error Propagation due to Dust On a Thin-Substrate Disk : Drive Technology
- Error Propagation due to Dust on a Thin-Substrate Disk
- Applying an Objective Lens of 0.7-Numerical Aperture to a Center-Aperture-Detection Type of Magnetically Induced Superresolution Disk
- Evaluation of a 120mm Sized Magneto optical Disk System of Over 6 GB Capacity
- Evaluation of Double-Layered Magnetic Recording Medium Composed of Perpendicular and Longitudinal Anisotropy Layers
- Perpendicular Magnetic Recording Performance with Ring-Type Heads for Electroless-Plated CoNiReP/NiFeP Double-Layered Media
- Spontaneous Formation of Nanostructures in In_xGa_As Epilayers Grown by Molecular Beam Epitaxy on GaAs Non-(100)-oriented Substrates
- Spontaneous Formation of Nanostructures in In_xGa_As Epilayers Grown by Molecular Beam Epitaxy on GaAs Non-(100)-Oriented Substrates
- Carrier Dynamics in Piezoelectric Quantum Wells Grown on GaAs (111)A, (211)A and (311)A Studied by Time-Resolved Photoluminescence Spectroscopy
- Carrier Dynamics in Piezoelectric Quantum Wells Grown on GaAs (111)A, (211)A and (311)A Studied by Time Resolved Photoluminescence Spectroscopy
- Quantum-Confined Stark Shift Due to Piezoelectric Effect in InGaAs/GaAs Quantum Wells Growrn on (111)A GaAs
- Characterization of GaAs P-N Structures Grownon GaAs (111) A Substrates Using Controlled All-Silicon Doping
- Influence of the Piezoelectric Effect on the Energy Levels of InGaAs/GaAs Strained Quantum Wells Grown on (311)A GaAs
- Vanishing of Negative Differential Resistance Region Due to Electric Field Screening in Wannier-Stark Localization Type Self-Electro-Optic Effect Devices
- Valence Band Modulation in InGaAs/InAlAs Superlattices with Tensilely Strained Wells Grown on InGaAs Quasi-Substrate on GaAs
- Growth and Characterization of Vertical-Cavity Surface-Emitting Lasers Grown on (311)A-Oriented GaAs Substrates by Molecular Beam Epitaxy
- Stark Ladder Photoluminescence of X States in GaAs/AlAs Type-I Superlattices
- Fabrication and Characterization of Comb-Shaped Lateral Field-Emitter Arrays
- Low-Operation-Voltage Comb-Shaped Field Emitter Array
- First Fabrication of AlGaAs/GaAs Double-Heterostructure Light-Emitting Diodes Grown on GaAs (111)A Substrates Using Only Silicon Dopant
- Lateral Tunneling Devices on GaAs (111)A and (311)A Patterned Substrates Grown by MBE Using Only Silicon Dopant
- Valence Band Modulation in InGaAs/InAlAs Superlattices with Tensilely Strained Wells Grown on InGaAs Quasi-Substrate on GaAs
- Vanishing of Negative Differential Resistance Region due to Electric Field Screening in Wannier-Stark Localization Type Self-Electro-Optic Effect Devices
- Influence of Type-I to Type-II Transition by an Applied Electric Field on Photoluminescence and Carrier Transport in GaAs/AlAs Type-I Short-Period Superlattices