Influence of Aging on Acetohexamide Reductase Activities in Liver Microsomes and Cytosol of Male Rats
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The influence of aging on the reductase activity of acetohexamide, an oral antidiabetic drug with a ketone group, was examined in liver microsomes and cytosol of male rats. Acetohexamide reductase activities in liver microsomes of male rats at 26 and 31 months of age were much lower than that in liver microsomes of male rats at 9 weeks of age. Testectomy markedly decreased acetohexamide reductase activity in liver microsomes of the 9-week old rats and the decreased enzyme activity was significantly increased by testosterone administration. These results indicate, at least in part, that aging decreases the enzyme activity by decreasing the secretion of testosterone from the testes. On the other hand, aging (26 months of age) did not affect acetohexamide reductase activity in liver cytosol of male rats, although the enzyme activity at 31 months of age was slightly but significantly lower than that in liver cytosol of male rats at 9 weeks of age. Testectomy or testosterone administration had no effect on the enzyme activity in liver cytosol of 9-week old male rats.
- 社団法人日本薬学会の論文
- 1994-10-15
小田切 優樹
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Science, Kumamoto University
今村 順茂
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Kumamoto University
今村 順茂
小田切 優樹
Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Kumamoto University
今村 順茂
Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Kumamoto University
古其 百合
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Kumamoto University
村田 秀之
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Kumamoto University
古其 百合
Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Kumamoto University
村田 秀之
Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Kumamoto University
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