Studies on the Metabolism of Gomisin A (TJN-101). I. : Oxidative Products of Gomisin A Formed by Rat Liver S9 Mix.
- 論文の詳細を見る
Gomisin A (1) was incubated with rat liver S9 mix., and five products were obtained from the culture solution. The major product, met B (2), was identified as the demethylenated derivative of 1 by direct comparison with an authentic sample. The structures of four new products, met A-II (3), met C (4), met A-I (5), and met A-III (6), were determined on the basis of chemical and spectral studies.
- 社団法人日本薬学会の論文
- 1988-06-25
油田 正樹
田口 平八郎
Tsumura Central Research Laboratories Tsumura & Co.
細谷 英吉
三橋 博
池谷 幸信
三橋 博
Research Institute For Biology & Chemistry Tsumura & Co.
三橋 博
Tsumura Institute For Biology And Chemistry
三橋 博
田口 平八郎
池谷 幸信
池谷 幸信
池谷 幸信
Tsumura Laboratory
池谷 幸信
Research Institute For Biology & Chemistry Tsumura & Co.
池谷 幸信
Tsumura Central Research Laboratories
油田 正樹
油田 正樹
Res. Inst. Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Musashino Univ.
油田 正樹
油田 正樹
松崎 珠絵
池谷 幸信
佐々木 博美
佐々木 博美
Tsumura Research Institute for Pharmacology
松崎 珠絵
Tsumura Research Institute for Pharmacology
油田 正樹
Tsumura Research Institute for Pharmacology
細谷 英吉
Tsumura Research Institute for Pharmacology
油田 正樹
池谷 幸信
Tsumura Central Research Laboratories Tsumura & Co.
三橋 博
Ikeya Y
Tsumura Central Research Laboratories Tsumura & Co.
油田 正樹
松崎 珠絵
Tsumura Central Research Laboratories Tsumura & Co.
Aburada M
Medicinal Evaluation Laboratory Tsumura Research Institute
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- S-5 ゴミシン A の実験的肝障害抑制作用
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- The Constituents of Schizandra chinensis BAILL. XII. Isolation and Structure of a New Lignan, Gomisin R, the Absolute Structure of Wuweizisu C and Isolation of Schisantherin D
- The Constituents of Schizandra chinensis BAILL. XI. The Structures of Three New Lignans, Angeloylgomisin O, and Angeloyl- and Benzoylisogomisin O
- The Constituents of Schizandra chinensis BAILL. X. The Structures of γ-Schizandrin and Four New Lignans, (-)-Gomisins L_1 and L_2,(±)-Gomisin M_1 and (+)-Gomisin M_2
- The Constituents of Schizandra chinensis BAILL. IX. The Cleavage of the Methylenedioxyl Moiety with Lead Tetraacetate in Benzene, and the Structure of Angeloylgomisin Q
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- The Constituents of Schizandra chinensis BAILL. VIII. The Structures of Two New Lignans, Tigloylgomisin P and Angeloylgomisin P
- The Constituents of Schizandra chinensis BAILL. VII. The Structures of Three New Lignans, (-)-Gomisin K_1 and (+)-Gomisins K_2 and K_3
- The Constituents of Schizandra chinensis BAILL. V. The Structures of Four New Lignans, Gomisin N, Gomisin O, Epigomisin O and Gomisin E, and Transformation of Gomisin N to Deangeloylgomisin B
- The Constituents of Schizandra chinensis BAILL. The Cleavage of the Methylenedioxy Moiety with Lead Tetraacetate in Benzene, and the Structure of Angeloylgomisin Q
- 40 五味子の新dibenzocyclooctadiene型リグナンの構造と反応
- The Constituents of Schizandra chinensis BAILL. II. The Structure of a New Lignan, Gomisin D
- The Constituents of Schizandra chinensis BAILL. The Structures of Two New Lignans, Gomisin N and Tigloylgomisin P
- The Constituents of Schizandra chinensis BAILL. The Structures of Three New Lignans, Angeloylgomisin H, Tigloylgomisin H and Benzoylgomisin H, and the Absolute Structure of Schizandrin
- The Constituents of Schizandra chinensis BAILL. The Structures of Two New Lignans, Gomisin F and G, and the Absolute Structures of Gomisin A, B, and C
- The Constituents of Schizandra chinensis BAILL. I. The Structures of Gomisin A, B and C
- The Constituents of Schizandra chinensis BAILL. IV. The Structures of Two New Lignans, Pre-gomisin and Gomisin J
- The Constituents of Schizandra chinensis BAILL. III. The Structures of Four New Lignans, Gomisin H and Its Derivatives, Angeloyl-, Tigloyl- and Benzoyl-gomisin H
- The Constituents of Schizandra chinensis BAILL. I. Isolation and Structure Determination of Five New Lignans, Gomisin A, B, C, F and G, and the Absolute Structure of Schizandrin
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- The Constituents of Schizandra chinensis BAILL. The Structures of Two New Lignans, Pre-gomisin and Gomisin J
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- 7. The directions of research on oriental drugs. From the commercial standpoint.