The Constituents of Schizandra chinensis BAILL. X. The Structures of γ-Schizandrin and Four New Lignans, (-)-Gomisins L_1 and L_2,(±)-Gomisin M_1 and (+)-Gomisin M_2
- 論文の詳細を見る
Four new dibenzocyclooctadiene lignans, named (-)-gomisins L_1 (6) and L_3 (7), (±)-gomisin M_1 (8) and (+)-gomisin M_2 (9), were isolated from the fruits of Schizandra chinensis BAILL. (Schizandraceae). Their absolute structures were elucidated by means of chemical and spectral studies. The stereostructure of γ-schizandrin (1,dl-form), the plane structure of which had already been suggested by Kochetkov et al. and Liu et al., was also elucidated on the basis of chemical and spectral studies.
- 公益社団法人日本薬学会の論文
- 1982-01-25
田口 平八郎
Tsumura Central Research Laboratories Tsumura & Co.
吉岡 一郎
Tsumura Laboratory
池谷 幸信
田口 平八郎
池谷 幸信
池谷 幸信
池谷 幸信
Research Institute For Biology & Chemistry Tsumura & Co.
池谷 幸信
池谷 幸信
Tsumura Central Research Laboratories Tsumura & Co.
Ikeya Y
Tsumura Central Research Laboratories Tsumura & Co.
池谷 幸信
Tsummura Laboratory
田口 平八郎
Tsummura Laboratory
吉岡 一郎
Tsummura Laboratory
田口 平八郎
Tsumura Laboratory
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