- 論文の詳細を見る
We examined the effects of main constituents in Ligustici chuanxiong Rhizoma on the thoracic aorta, mesenteric arteries and blood viscosity. Four phthalide dimers, tokinolide B, levistolide A, riligustilide and senkyunolide P relaxed the KCl-induced contraction of rat thoracic aorta. These compounds also reduced the KCl-induced perfusion pressure of rat mesenteric arteries. The methoxamine-induced perfusion pressure of rat mesenteric arteries was reduced only by coniferyl ferulate. On the other hand, phthalide dimers, tokinolide B, senkyunolide P and phthalides, senkyu-nolide, butylphthalide and cnidilide decreased the blood viscosity. These results suggest that phthalide dimers and coniferyl ferulate might be important constituents in Ligustici chuanxiong Rhizoma for activating the blood circulation and removing blood stasis.
- 日本生薬学会の論文
- 1995-09-20
佐藤 俊次
下田 由美
岡田 稔
池谷 幸信
内藤 崇
久保田 潔
池谷 幸信
丸野 政雄
池谷 幸信
Research Institute For Biology & Chemistry Tsumura & Co.
丸野 政雄
丸野 政雄
Tsumura Central Research Laboratories Tsumura & Co.
Ikeya Y
Tsumura Central Research Laboratories Tsumura & Co.
岡田 稔
ツムラ 研究本部
岡田 稔
下田 由美
- 23 小青竜湯のモルモット実験的アレルギー性鼻炎に対する作用 : Acoustic rhinometerを用いた評価
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- I-B-29 茵〓蒿の Aldose Reductase 阻害物質
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- 31A-04 ベルベリンの血糖下降作用機序
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- Physicochemical Studies on Decoctions of Kampo Prescriptions. I. Transfer of Crude Drug Components into the Decoctions
- The Constituents of Schizandra chinensis BAILL. VI. ^C Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy of Dibenzocyclooctadiene Lignans
- 半月体タイプ抗GBM腎炎ラットの糸球体接着分子発現に対するアクテオサイド(TJC-160)の効果
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- Studies on the Metabolism of Gomisin A (TJN-101). II. : Structure Determination of Biliary and Urinary Metabolites in Rat
- The Constituents of Schizandra chinensis BAILL. XV. : Isolation and Structure Determination of Two New Lignans : Gomisin S and Gomisin T
- Studies on the Metabolism of Gomisin A (TJN-101). I. : Oxidative Products of Gomisin A Formed by Rat Liver S9 Mix.
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- P-5 数種漢方薬のワーファリンの抗凝固作用に及ぼす影響についての検討
- I-B-8 茵〓蒿湯の肝胆道障害改善作用に関する研究 : エチニルエストラジオール誘発胆汁うっ滞およびリトコール酸誘発肝障害に対する作用
- Structure Determination of Biliary Metabolites of Schizandrin in Rat and Dog
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- 蒼朮の品質評価の変遷(II) : 日本本草書について
- 蒼朮の品質評価の変遷(I) : 中国本草書について
- 生薬成分から見た流通の現況
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- The Constituents of Schizandra chinensis BAILL. XII. Isolation and Structure of a New Lignan, Gomisin R, the Absolute Structure of Wuweizisu C and Isolation of Schisantherin D
- The Constituents of Schizandra chinensis BAILL. XI. The Structures of Three New Lignans, Angeloylgomisin O, and Angeloyl- and Benzoylisogomisin O
- The Constituents of Schizandra chinensis BAILL. X. The Structures of γ-Schizandrin and Four New Lignans, (-)-Gomisins L_1 and L_2,(±)-Gomisin M_1 and (+)-Gomisin M_2
- The Constituents of Schizandra chinensis BAILL. IX. The Cleavage of the Methylenedioxyl Moiety with Lead Tetraacetate in Benzene, and the Structure of Angeloylgomisin Q
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- The Constituents of Schizandra chinensis BAILL. VIII. The Structures of Two New Lignans, Tigloylgomisin P and Angeloylgomisin P
- The Constituents of Schizandra chinensis BAILL. VII. The Structures of Three New Lignans, (-)-Gomisin K_1 and (+)-Gomisins K_2 and K_3
- The Constituents of Schizandra chinensis BAILL. V. The Structures of Four New Lignans, Gomisin N, Gomisin O, Epigomisin O and Gomisin E, and Transformation of Gomisin N to Deangeloylgomisin B
- The Constituents of Schizandra chinensis BAILL. The Cleavage of the Methylenedioxy Moiety with Lead Tetraacetate in Benzene, and the Structure of Angeloylgomisin Q
- 40 五味子の新dibenzocyclooctadiene型リグナンの構造と反応
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- The Constituents of Schizandra chinensis BAILL. IV. The Structures of Two New Lignans, Pre-gomisin and Gomisin J
- The Constituents of Schizandra chinensis BAILL. III. The Structures of Four New Lignans, Gomisin H and Its Derivatives, Angeloyl-, Tigloyl- and Benzoyl-gomisin H
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- 釣藤鈎の研究(第1報) : 華鈎藤の科学的評価
- 烏頭配合漢方煎出液におけるアコニチン系アルカロイドの挙動に関する研究
- 中国に生育するホソバオケラAtractylodes lanceaの精油成分の変異
- 統計学的手法を用いた生薬選定法の検討 : 抗炎症作用を有する大黄の探索
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- カラスビシャクの栽培に関する研究(第1報) : 種子形成について
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- 川〓の循環器系作用成分の定量 : 日本および中国市場品の成分含量比較
- 中国産川〓成分の血管収縮及び血液粘度に対する作用
- 中国遼寧省野生チョウセンゴミシ果実の形成過程と分果中のリグナン含量の季節変動
- アンジオテンシンI変換酵素阻害作用を有する生薬の研究(第2報) : 貝母中の活性成分について
- 天然抗酸化剤の研究(IV) : 五味子の抗酸化成分の検索