五味子成分Gomisin J並びに類縁リグナン類化合物の摘出臓器平滑筋に対する作用
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The effects of 15 lignan compounds, which were extracted from schisandra fruits, on the contractions of an isolated mesenteric artery of dog induced by prostaglandin F_<2α> (PGF_<2α>), CaCl_2 or norepinephrine (NE) were examined. As a result, all lignan compounds used showed inhibitory effects on the contractions of mesenteric artery induced by PGF_<2α> and CaCl_2. However, 6 compounds such as gomisin J (GJ) also showed inhibitory effects on NE-induced contraction. We further examined the actions of GJ with much better activity. Since GJ is not soluble in water, we synthesized GJ-Na (GJN) and further used throughout the experiments. In the isolated mesenteric artery of dog, GJN showed inhibitory effects on the NE-induced contraction (ID_<50>=131.8±0.11×10^<-6> M), and relaxant effects on PGF_<2α>-induced contractions (ED_<50>=9.72±0.36×10^<-6> M), and also showed inhibitory effects on CaCl_2-induced contraction (ID_<50>=6.96±0.16×10^<-6> M). Furthermore, GJN showed relaxant effects and an increase in coronary flow on the isolated trachea, ileum, taenia coli and heart in guinea-pigs, GJ (10^<-4> and 3×10^<-4> g, i.a.) produced an increase in coronary artery blood flow in anesthetized dog, although its effect was slightly weaker than that in diltiazem, a well known calcium antagonist. As mentioned above, it was confirmed that lignan compounds extracted from schisandra fruits had Ca antagonistic actions in varying degrees, and that GJN had a dilating effect on the coronary artery.
- 社団法人日本薬学会の論文
- 1987-09-25
油田 正樹
田口 平八郎
Tsumura Central Research Laboratories Tsumura & Co.
細谷 英吉
池谷 幸信
田口 平八郎
池谷 幸信
池谷 幸信
池谷 幸信
Research Institute For Biology & Chemistry Tsumura & Co.
油田 正樹
曽根 秀子
津村順天堂, 津村薬理研究所
油田 正樹
Res. Inst. Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Musashino Univ.
油田 正樹
油田 正樹
池谷 幸信
油田 正樹
末川 守
志賀 隆
曽根 秀子
油田 正樹
細谷 英吉
池谷 幸信
Tsumura Central Research Laboratories Tsumura & Co.
Ikeya Y
Tsumura Central Research Laboratories Tsumura & Co.
油田 正樹
曽根 秀子
津村順天堂 津村薬理研究所
Aburada M
Medicinal Evaluation Laboratory Tsumura Research Institute
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