Systm-MSPA Design of H.263+ Video Encoder/Decoder LSI for Videotelephony Applications(Special Section on VLSI Design and CAD Algorithms)
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copyright(c)2001 IEICE許諾番号:08RB0009 this paper, a LSI design for video encoder and decoder for H.263+ video compression is presented. LSI operates under clock frequency of 27 MHz to compress QCIF (176144 pixels) at the frame rate of 30 frame per second. The core size is 4.6 4.6 mm2 in a 0.35 ?m process. The architecture is based on bus connected heterogeneous dedicated modules, named as System-MSPA architecture. It employs the fast and small-chip-area dedicated modules in lower level and controls them by employing the slow and flexible programmable device and an external DRAM. Design results in success to achieve real time encoder in quite compact size without losing flexibility and expand ability. Real time emulation and easy test capability with external PC is also implemented.
- 社団法人電子情報通信学会の論文
- 2001-11-01
大塚 友彦
大塚 友彦
大塚 友彦
Yasuura Hiroto
The Department Of Computer Science And Communication Engineering Graduate School Of Information Scie
Kunieda H
Department Of Communication And Integrated System Tokyo Institute Of Technology
Kunieda Hiroaki
The Department Of Electrical And Electronics Engineering Tokyo Institute Of Technology
Ito Kazuhito
Department Of Electrical And Electronic Systems Engineering Saitama University
Ito Kazuhito
The Department Of Electrical And Electronic Systems Saitama University
Kunieda H
Tokyo Inst. Of Technol. Tokyo Jpn
ISSHIKI Tsuyoshi
the Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology
Li Dongju
Department Of Communications And Integrated Systems Tokyo Institute Of Technology
Li D
Tokyo Inst. Technol. Tokyo Jpn
LI Dongju
the Department of Communication and Integrated System, School of Science and Engineering, Tokyo Inst
Department of Communications and Integrated Systems, Tokyo Institute of Technology
the Department of Communications and Integrated Systems, Tokyo Institute of Technology
OHTSUKA Tomohiko
the Department of Electronic Engineering, Tokyo National College of Technology
the Department of Communications and Integrated Systems, Tokyo Institute of Technology
Isshiki Tsuyoshi
Dept. Of Communications And Integrated Systems Tokyo Institute Of Technology
Isshiki Tsuyoshi
The Department Of Electrical And Electronics Engineering Tokyo Institute Of Technology
Honsawek Chawalit
Department Of Communications And Integrated Systems Tokyo Institute Of Technology
Adiono Trio
Department Of Communications And Integrated Systems Tokyo Institute Of Technology
Sugihara Makoto
The Department Of Computer Science And Communication Engineering Graduate School Of Information Scie
杉原 真
the Department of Electronic Engineering, Tokyo National College of Technology
安浦 寛人
the Department of Communications and Integrated Systems, Tokyo Institute of Technology
伊藤 和人
the Department of Communications and Integrated Systems, Tokyo Institute of Technology
ISSHIKI Tsuyoshi
the Department of Communications and Integrated Systems, Tokyo Institute of Technology
the Department of Communications and Integrated Systems, Tokyo Institute of Technology
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