- 論文の詳細を見る
- 歯科基礎医学会の論文
- 1999-08-20
Hatano Tsutomu
Hatano Tsutomu
Division Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Okayama University Graduate School Of Medicine Dentistry And Pha
徳永 尚士
朝日大 歯 歯科薬理
土屋 博紀
Asahi Univ. School Of Dentistry Gifu Jpn
土屋 博紀
土屋 博紀
徳永 尚士
- Synergistic Effect of Kaempferol Glycosides Purified from Laurus nobilis and Fluoroquinolones on Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus(Microbiology)
- スギヒラタケに含まれる特徴的な長鎖脂肪酸について
- β-carbolines の毛髪分析
- 66 ツバキおよび近縁植物の抗HIV作用を有するタンニン(ポスター発表の部)
- 29 大環状構造を有する抗腫瘍性加水分解性タンニンオリゴマー(ポスター発表の部)
- Anti-methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) Compounds Isolated from Laurus nobilis(Microbiology)
- Effect of Polygala tenuifolia Root Extract on Scopolamine-Induced Impairment of Rat Spatial Cognition in an Eight-Arm Radial Maze Task(Pharmacology)
- B-15 阿仙薬のポリフェノール成分による品質評価(薬物代謝・天然物化学,一般演題口演,第24回和漢医薬学会大会 和漢薬の複雑さ-経験知と科学知-)
- 阿仙薬のポリフェノール性成分による品質評価
- Antimicrobial Activity of Oleanolic Acid from Salvia officinalis and Related Compounds on Vancomycin-Resistant Enterococci (VRE)(Microbiology)
- Cowaniin, a C-Glucosidic Ellagitannin Dimer Linked through Catechin from Cowania mexicana
- Potentiation of Antimicrobial Activity of Aminoglycosides by Carnosol from Salvia officinalis(Microbiology)
- Revised Structures of Gambiriins A1, A2, B1, and B2, Chalcane-Flavan Dimers from Gambir (Uncaria gambir Extract)
- Effects of Chlorogenic Acid and Its Metabolites on Spontaneous Locomotor Activity in Mice
- P-17 阿仙薬に含まれるポリフェノール成分(ポスター発表の部)
- Conjugated Ketonic Fatty Acids from Pleurocybella porrigens
- Urinary Excretion of Anthocyanins in Humans after Cranberry Juice Ingestion
- Polyphenolic Constituent Structures of Zanthoxylum piperitum Fruit and the Antibacterial Effects of Its Polymeric Procyanidin on Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus
- 木本性植物の組織培養によるタンニン生産と生合成
- Synergistic Effect of [10]-Gingerol and Aminoglycosides against Vancomycin-Resistant Enterococci (VRE)(Microbiology)
- Water-Soluble Complexes Formed by Natural Polyphenols and Bovine Serum Albumin : Evidence from Gel Electrophoresis
- Interaction of the Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor with Several Constituents from Spinach and Komatsuna Extracts Determined Using in Vitro Bioassay
- Cypellogins A, B and C, Acylated Flavonol Glycosides from Eucalyptus cypellocarpa
- Remarkable Synergies between Baicalein and Tetracycline, and Baicalein and β-Lactams against Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus
- Two New Analogues of Trijugin-Type Limonoids from the Leaves of Sandoricum koetjape
- Chemical Constituents of Artemisia herba-alba Asso
- 天然ナノ分子タンニン : その構造と機能
- Antibacterial Activity of Hydrolyzable Tannins Derived from Medicinal Plants against Helicobacter pylori
- K-083(30) 茶葉ポリフェノールの血清アルブミンとの複合体形成
- メチシリン耐性黄色ブドウ球菌(MRSA)に対する山椒中の作用物質
- ビワ葉の抗腫瘍性成分
- Hydrolysable Tannin Production in Oenothera tetraptera Shoot Tissue Culture
- 天然由来抗MRSA物質の探索
- E-5 大棗のポリフェノール成分とそのメチシリン耐性黄色ブドウ球菌に対する抗生物質耐性抑制作用
- Proanthocyanidins and Related Compounds:Antileishmanial Activity and Modulatory Effects on Nitric Oxide and Tumor Necrosis Factor-α-Release in the Murine Macrophage-Like Cell Line RAW 264.7
- Tannins and Related Polyphenols,HIV Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitors, from Rosa woodsii
- P-87 山椒のMRSAに対する抗菌作用成分
- Phenolic Constituents of Licorice. VIII. Structures of Glicophenone and Glicoisoflavanone, and Effects of Licorice Phenolics on Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus
- P-41 サンマ由来変異原2-chloro-4-methylthiobutanoic acidと2'-デオキシグアノシンとの反応によって生じる付加体の同定(ポスター(1))
- P1-015 2-chloro-4-methylthiobutanoic acidとデオキシグアノシンの反応により形成するDNA付加体の解析(DNA損傷)
- 生体膜との相互作用と植物性食品の機能性
- 炎症組織における局所麻酔効果減弱の仮説的機序--局所麻酔薬の膜流動性作用に及ぼすpHとPeroxynitriteの影響 (第25回生体膜と薬物の相互作用シンポジウム--ダイナミックインターフェイスとしての生体膜 講演要旨集)
- 機能性食品活性成分と生体膜の相互作用--Allium属植物に含まれるフラボノイドならびに硫化アリルによる膜流動性変化 (第25回生体膜と薬物の相互作用シンポジウム--ダイナミックインターフェイスとしての生体膜 講演要旨集)
- II-C-9 山茱萸のタンニン関連成分
- Studies on Inhibition Mechanism of Autoxidation by Tannins and Flavonoids. V. Radical-Scavenging Effects of Tannins and Related Polyphenols on 1,1-Diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl Radical
- New isoflavone glycosides from Iris spuria L. (Calizona) cultivated in Egypt
- 構造ならびに液性に依存した局所麻酔薬の膜流動化作用と逆相分配HPLC保持能 (第26回 生体膜と薬物の相互作用シンポジウム 講演要旨集)
- 新規β1選択的遮断薬の膜作用の可能性 (第26回 生体膜と薬物の相互作用シンポジウム 講演要旨集)
- 局所麻酔薬の立体構造による膜作用の相違と膜脂質組成の関与
- 辛味物質カプサイシンの非神経性二相性膜作用
- Quantitative Analysis of All Types of β-Carboline Alkaloids in Medicinal Plants and Dried Edible Plants by High Perofrmance Liquid Chromatography with Selective Fluorometric Detection.
- 抗齲蝕活性カテキン類の膜流動性に対する立体特異的作用
- フェノール性静脈麻酔薬プロポフォールのモデル膜に対する作用
- Beta-Carboline Alkaloids in Crude Drugs
- 緑茶カテキン類の口腔内保持(2) : ハイドロキシアパタイト, 粘膜細胞, タンパクへの吸着
- 緑茶カテキン類の口腔内保持(1) : 洗口後の唾液中カテキン濃度
- Interaction of Polyphenols with Proteins : Binding of (-)-Epigallocatechin Gallate to Serum Albumin, Estimated by Induced Circular Dichroism
- Tannins and Related Polyphenols of Theaceous Plants. VIII. Camelliatannins C and E, New Complex Tannins from Camellia japonica Leaves
- Tannins of Coriaria japonica A. GRAY. III. Structures of coriariins G, H, I and J
- Tannins of Rosaceous Plants. IX. Rugosins D, E, F and G, Dimeric and Trimeric Hydrolyzable Tannins with Valoneoyl Group(s), from Flower Petals of Rosa rugosa THUNB.
- Gallotannins Having a 1,5-Anhydro-D-glucitol Core and Some Ellagitannins from Acer Species
- ^13C Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectra of Hydrolyzable Tannins. III. : Tannins Having ^1C_4 Glucose and C-Glucosidic Linkage
- 82 新種大環状加水分解性タンニンオリゴマーの構造 : 36員環構造のタンニンおよび関連化合物(ポスター発表の部)
- 52 加水分解性タンニンオリゴマーの構成アシル基の配向の系統的解明(口頭発表の部)
- Woodfordin D and Oenothein A, Trimeric Hydrolyzable Tannins of Macro-Ring Structure with Anti-tumor Activity
- Phenolic Constituents of Licorice. III. Structures of Glicoricone and Licofuranone, and Inhibitory Effects of Licorice Constituents of Monoamine Oxidase
- Tannins and Related Polyphenols of Euphorbiaceous Plants. VIII. Eumaculin A and Eusupinin A, and Accompanying Polyphenols from Euphorbia maculata L. and E. Supina RAFIN.
- タンニンの化学と生物活性 (特集 飲料中のポリフェノール)
- Tannins and Related Polyphenols of Rosaceous Medicinal Plants. IV. Roxbins A and B from Rosa roxburghii Fruits(Organic,Chemical)
- Effects of Mace and Nutmeg on Human Cytochrome P450 3A4 and 2C9 Activity
- Phytochemical Flavones with the Antibacterial Activity against Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus
- Comparative Study on the Antibacterial Activity of Phytochemical Flavanones against Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus.
- New Hydrolyzable Tannins, Shephagenins A and B, from Shepherdia argentea as HIV-1 Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitors
- Antitumor Activities of Ellagitannins against Sarcoma-180 in Mice
- ポリフェノールとは? (特集 飲料中のポリフェノール)
- Tannins of Stachyurus Species. III. Stachyuranins A, B and C, Three New Complex Tannins from Stachyurus praecox Leaves
- Tannins of Euphorbiaceous Plants. XIII. New Hydrolyzable Tannins Having Phloroglucinol Residue from Glochidion rubrum BLUME
- New γ-Pyrone Glucoside, and Dimeric Ellagitannins from Gordonia axillaris
- Tannins of Theaceous Plants. V. Camelliatannins F, G and H, Three New Tannins from Camellia japonica L.
- Melitric Acids A and B, New Trimeric Caffeic Acid Derivatives from Melissa officinalis
- Carbonic Anhydrase Inhibitors from the Pericarps of Punica granatum L.
- Antioxidant Activity of Hydroxyflavonoids
- Antiproliferative Effects Associated with Membrane Lipid Interaction of Green Tea Catechins
- Cell Growth Inhibition by Membrane-Active Components in Brownish Scale of Onion
- タンニンの活性酸素によるラット腹腔肥満細胞からのヒスタミン遊離に対する抑制効果
- 甘草のフェノール性成分(第4報)甘草のフェノール性成分と基原植物の関係, 並びに各種甘草エキスのXanthine Oxidase及びMonoamine Oxidaseに対する阻害効果
- Effects of Interaction of Tannins with Co-existing Substances. VII. : Inhibitory Effects of Tannins and Related Polyphenols on Xanthine Oxidase
- Phenolic Constituents of Licorice. II. : Structures of Licopyranocoumarin, Licoarylcoumarin and Glisoflavone, and Inhibitory Effects of Licorice Phenolics on Xanthine Oxidase
- Tannins of Stachyurus Species. II. Praecoxins A, B, C and D, Four New Hydrolyzable Tannins from Stachyurus praecox Leaves
- Tannins of Theaceous Plants. III. Camelliatannins A and B, Two New Complex Tannins from Camellia japonica L.
- Polyphenols from Eriobotrya japonica and Their Cytotoxicity against Human Oral Tumor Cell Lines
- Marked Reduction in the Minimum Inhibitory Concentration (MIC) of β-Lactams in Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus Produced by Epicatechin Gallate, an Ingredient of Green Tea (Camellia sinensis)
- Constituents of Geranium thunbergii SIEB. et ZUCC. XV. Modified Dehydroellagitannins, Geraniinic Acids B and C, and Phyllanthusiin F
- Phenolic Constituents of Cassia Seeds and Antibacterial Effect of Some Naphthalenes and Anthraquinones on Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus
- Phenolic Constituents of Liquorice. VII. A New Chalcone with a Potent Radical Scavenging Activity and Accompanying Phenolics from Liquorice
- Anti-Platelet and Membrane-Rigidifying Flavonoids in Brownish Scale of Onion