Reflectivity and Electronic Structures of Layered Ionic Crystals (C_nH_<2n+1>NH_3)_2CuCl_4: n=1,2,3
- 論文の詳細を見る
The reflection sj:>ectra of (C,H.,., NH,),CuC]. (77 " 1, 2, 3) xx'ere naeasured in tlaephoton exaergy regioua c>f 2.6-25 eV at room texmperaturc (RT) amtd liquid uaitrogen tenaperature (LNT) b)' l11C811S of syncltrotron radiation. l'lae absorption peak at around3.3 eV (LNT) Baas a doublet structure axtd t1?e splittiuvg energy is 0.08 eV, w'hicla is tltesame naaguaitude as tl'ne spin-orbit splitting of a cltlorizte atozn. Tlte band is assigxaed asaza electronic transitiorx fro?n tlae chlorinae 3 p valeutce b;tnd to tlae co)cper 4s lowest con-duction bauad.[opticalalkylam- l[ moniumsyn- ll chrotrortlreflection spectra, layered iou?ic crystal, txx'o-clinaemasional crystal,COPI)11111' claloride, Kranters-Kronig autal)'sis, optical constauat,radiatioxt
- 社団法人日本物理学会の論文
- 1992-07-15
Nanba T
Graduate School Of Science And Technology Kobe University
Graduate School of Science and Technology, Kobe University
Department of Physics and Graduate School of Science and Technology, Kobe University
Aoyagi Kiyoshi
Department of Public health, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences, Nagasaki University
Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, Yamagata University
Aoyagi Kiyoshi
Department Of Physics Faculty Of Science Yamagata University
Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory, Institute of Solid Stale Physics, The University of Tokyo
Osaka Women's University
Nanba Takao
Faculty Of Science Kobe University
Yoshinari Takehisa
Department Of Physics Faculty Of Science Yamagata University
Yoshinari Takehisa
Department Of Physics Faculty Of Science Tohoku University
Fujisawa Masami
Institute For Solid State Physics University Of Tokyo
Fujisawa Masami
Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory The Institute For Solid State Physics University Of Tokyo
Fujisawa Masami
The Institute For Solid State Physics The University Of Tokyo
Fujisawa Masami
Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory Institute For Solid State Physics The University Of Tokyo
Fujisawa Masami
The Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory The Institute For Solid State Physics The University Of Tokyo
Aoyagi Kiyoshi
Department Of Orthopaedic Surgery Mitsugi Public General Hospital
Aoyagi K
Department Of Physics Faculty Of Science Yamagata University
Shimanuki S
Department Of Environmental Sciences Faculty Of Science Osaka Women's University
Yoshinari T
Department Of Physics Faculty Of Science Yamagata University
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