Thyroid Blockade during a Radiation Emergency in Iodine-rich Areas : Effect of a Stable-iodine Dosage
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We examined the effect of stable iodine on thyroid gland blockade in patients with hyperthyroidism in order to make a preliminary evaluation of the appropriate dose of iodine prophylaxis in the event of a radiation emergency in Japan in which radioiodine is released to the environment. Eight patients were orally given single doses of 50mg or 100mg of potassium iodide, which contained 38mg and 76mg of iodide, respectively. Both doses significantly suppressed a thyroid uptake of ^<123>I for 24 h (p=0.03). The protective effects at 24 h were 73.3% and 79.5%, respectively. No side effects were observed during the trial. The present study demonstrates that a single oral administration of 38mg of iodide produces a thyroid-blocking effect equivalent to that of 76mg of iodide, suggesting that a reevaluation of the stable iodine dosage during radiation emergencies in iodine-rich areas such as Japan is warranted.
- 日本放射線影響学会の論文
- 2004-06-15
高村 昇
Matsuse Michiko
Graduate School Of Biomedical Sciences Nagasaki Univ.
Yamashita S
Department Of Molecular Medicine Atomic Bomb Disease Institute Nagasaki University Graduate School O
Yamashita S
Department Of Molecular Medicine Nagasaki University School Of Medicine
Yamashita S
Radiation And Environmental Health Department Of Protection Of The Human Environment World Health Or
Department of Molecular Medicine, Nagasaki University Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences
Aoyagi Kiyoshi
Department of Public health, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences, Nagasaki University
高村 昇
Takamura Noboru
Siebold University of Nagasaki
Department of Public Health, Nagasaki University Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences
NAKAMURA Yoshihiro
Ishigaki Thyroid Clinic
Ishigaki Thyroid Clinic
Ishigaki Thyroid Clinic
MINE Mariko
Biostatistics Section, Nagasaki University Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences
Takamura Noboru
済生会みすみ病院 整形外科
Takamura Noboru
Takamura Noboru
長崎大学 医歯薬学総合研究科公衆衛生学
Takamura N
Department Of International Health And Radiation Research Atomic Bomb Disease Institute Nagasaki Uni
Takamura Noboru
Department Of Radiation Epidemiology Atomic Bomb Disease Institute Nagasaki University Nagasaki Japa
Aoyagi K
Public Health Unit Of Translational Medicine
Takamura Noboru
長崎大学 医歯薬学総合研究科放射線疫学分野
Mine Mariko
長崎大学 医学部 保健学科
Mine M
Biostatistics Section Nagasaki University Graduate School Of Biomedical Sciences
Mine Mariko
長崎大学 医歯薬学総合研究科公衆衛生学
Mine Mariko
Division Of Scientific Date Registry Anatomic Bomb Disease Institute Nagasaki University Graduate Sc
Mine Mariko
Biostatistics Section Nagasaki University Graduate School Of Biomedical Sciences
Mine M
Nagasaki Univ. Graduate School Of Biomedical Sci. Nagasaki Jpn
Mine Mariko
Atomic Bomb Disease Institute Nagasaki Univ. Graduate Sch. Biomedical Sciences
Yamashita Shunichi
Department Of Molecular Medicine Atomic Bomb Disease Institute Nagasaki University Graduate School O
Mine Mariko
Biostatistics Section Division Of Scientific Data Registry Atomic Bomb Disease Institute Nagasaki Un
Takamura Noboru
Public Health Unit Of Translational Medicine
Shibata Yoshisada
長崎大学医学部附属原爆後障害医療研究施設 放射線疫学 研究分野
Shibata Yoshisada
Atomic Bomb Disease Institute Nagasaki Univ. Graduate Sch. Biomedical Sciences
Aoyagi Kiyoshi
Department Of Orthopaedic Surgery Mitsugi Public General Hospital
Aoyagi Kiyoshi
Public Health Unit Of Translational Medicine
Takamura Noboru
Department Of Cell Physoloy Atomin Disease Institute Nagasaki University School Of Medicint
Yamashita Shunichi
Dep. Of Molecular Medicine Nagasaki Univ. Graduate School Of Biomedical Sciences
Shibata Yoshisada
Department Of Molecular Medicine Atomic Bomb Disease Institute Nagasaki University Graduate School O
Yamashita Shunichi
Department Of Cell Physiology Atomic Disease Institute Nagasaki University School Of Medicine
高村 昇
Department Of Radiation Epidemiology Nagasaki University Graduate School Of Biomedical Sciences
Shibata Yosisada
Takamura Noboru
Department Of Global Health Medicine And Welfare Nagasaki University Graduate School Of Biomedical Sciences
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