Thermoelectric Power of Co/Cu Multilayer
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The thermoelectric power (thermopower) of a Co/Cu multilayer has been measured in a temperature range from 4.2 K to 270 K. Below 150 K, the thermopower in zero field depends on the sample conditions (as prepared or after applying a saturation field at room temperature) and the direction of a thermal gradient. These results will be discussed in terms of magnetic domain structure.
- 社団法人日本物理学会の論文
- 1994-07-15
Institute for Chemical Research,Kyoto University
Faculty of Science,Hiroshima University
Shinjo Teruya
Chemical Research Institute Kyoto University
櫻井 純
Hasegawa K
Department Of Physics Faculty Of Science Toho University
Sakurai Junji
Faculity Of Science Kyoto University
Sakurai Junji
Department Of Materials Science Hiroshima University
Faculty of Engineering, University of Toyama
Hasegawa Katsuhiro
Faculty of Science, Toyama University
Saito Yoshiaki
Toshiba Research and Development Center
Inomata Kouichiro
Toshiba Research and Development Center
Hasegawa Kazuhiko
Department Of Applied Physics Osaka University
Shinjo Teruya
Institute For Chemical Research Kyoto Universiry
Hasegawa K
Department Of Applied Physics Osaka University
Saito Yoshiaki
Toshiba Corporation Advanced Research Laboratory Research And Development Center
Nishimura Katsuhiko
Faculty Of Engineering Toyama University
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