Transport Properties of Cu/Permalloy Artificial Layers : Condensed Matter: Electronic Properties, etc.
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We have measured the electrical resistance R of wires and foils of thin artificial Cu/Permalloy (NiFe) layers in the temperature range from 0.1 K to 200 K under magnetic fields up t,o 10 tesla, and the thermoelectric power S from 2 K to 200K. The logarithmic increase of R in the low temperature range (below 20 K for example) was observed for all the present samples. This increase of R was found to stay unchanged even under a strong magnetic field of as much as 10 tesla. The curves of S as a function of temperature T showed a normal metal behavior without any Kondo type anomaly. Possible origins of the logarithmic increase of R are discussed.
- 社団法人日本物理学会の論文
- 2001-02-15
Institute for Chemical Research,Kyoto University
HUO Dexuan
KUWAI Tomohiko
Department of Physics, Toyama University
Huo Dexuan
Department Of Physics Toyama University
Huo Dexuan
Faculty Of Engineering Toyama University
新庄 輝也
Faculty of Science,Hiroshima University
Department of Materials Science, Hiroshima University
Sakurai J
Toyama Univ. Toyama Jpn
Sakurai Junji
Department Of Physics Toyama University
櫻井 純
Kuwai Tomohiko
Department Of Physics University Of Toyama
Kuwai Tomohiko
Department Of Physics Toyama University
Kuwai Tomohiko
Department Of Earth And Space Science Faculty Of Science Osaka University
Suzuki Kenji
Institute For Materials Research Tohoku University
Suzuki Kiyonori
Department Of Materials Science Kitami Institute Of Technology
ONO Teruo
Faculty of Science and Technology, Keio University
Institute for Chemical Research, Kyoto University
Sakurai Junji
Department Of Materials Science Hiroshima University
Sakurai Junji
Department Of Material Science Hiroshima University
Ono T
Niigata Univ. Niigata
Shigeto K
Institute For Chemical Research Kyoto University
Shigeto Kunji
Institute For Chemical Research Kyoto University
Kuwai T
Department Of Physics University Of Toyama
Shinjo Teruya
Institute For Chemical Research Kyoto Universiry
Kamiyama T
Tohoku Univ. Sendai Jpn
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