Volatile compounds of human milk
Shimoda Mitsuya
Laboratory of Food Process Engineering, Department of Bioscience and Biotechnology, Kyushu Universit
Laboratory of Clinical Biochemistry, Tokyo University of Pharmacy and Life Science
下田 満哉
Laboratory of Food Biotechnology, Department of Bioscience and Biotechnology, Division of Bioresourc
Shimoda Mitsuya
Laboratory Of Food Process Engineering Division Of Bioresource And Bioenvironmental Sciences Graduat
Yoshimura Takashi
Laboratory Of Food Process Engineering Division Of Food Biotechnology Department Of Bioscience And B
Hayakawa I
Laboratory Of Food Process Engineering Division Of Food Biotechnology Department Of Bioscience And B
Yoshimura Takashi
Laboratory Of Animal Physiology And Avian Bioscience Research Center Graduate School Of Bioagricultu
Ishikawa Hiroya
Laboratory Of Food Analysis Division Of Food Biotechnology Department Of Bioscience And Biotechnolog
Shimoda Mitsuya
Laboratory Of Food Process Engineering Department Of Bioscience And Biotechnology Kyushu University
Yoshimura Takashi
Laboratory Of Animal Physiology Graduate School Of Bioagricultural Sciences Nagoya University
Yoshimura Takashi
Laboratory Of Animal Physiology
Ishikawa Hiroya
Department Of Bioscience And Biotechnology Faculty Of Agriculture Graduate School Of Kyushu Universi
Laboratory of Food Biotechnology, Department of Bioscience and Biotechnology, Division of Bioresource and Bioenvironmental Science, Graduate School of Kyushu University
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- Inactivation of L. fructivorans in Sake Using a Continuous Flow System for High-Pressure Carbonation
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- 一時的カーボネーションによる液状食品の殺菌及び酵素失活
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- 食品香気の官能的評価
- Effect of Hydrophilic Materials on the Prevention of Expressible Drip of Spun Fibers
- 水-エタノール系でのプラスチックフィルムからの香気成分の脱着挙動
- 脱酸素剤添加 PVC コーティングキャップによる食品容器内酸素の除去
- ミクロバブル超臨界炭酸ガスによるリモノイドの抽出
- Inactivation of Bacillus Spores by the Supercritical Carbon Dioxide Micro-bubble Method
- Inactivation of Enzymes in Namazake Using Micro-bubble Supercritical Carbon Dioxide
- Inactivation of Enzymes in an Aqueous Solution by Micro-bubbles of Supercritical Carbon Dioxide
- 葉山椒及び青山椒の香気成分の同定・定量と試料間変動
- 山椒の香気成分に関する分析化学的研究 : 食品
- Effect of Repeated Pressure Treatment on Breakdown of Clumps of Bacterial Spores
- Effect of Food Additives on the Inactivation of Bacterial Spores by Reciprocal Pressurization Treatment
- Effect of CO2 Flow Rate on Enzyme Inactivation by Continuous Method with Microbubbles of Supercritical Carbon Dioxide
- Volatile compounds of human milk
- Off-flavor in Milk from the Cows Feeded with Swinecress (Coronopus didymus)
- ミクロバブル亜・超臨界二酸化炭素法による連続殺菌 (特集 殺菌技術と装置(2))
- ミクロバブル超臨界炭酸ガス法によるバレンシアオレンジ果汁中のペクチンエステラーゼの失活
- 機器分析と香気評価法
- ミクロバブル超臨界炭酸ガス法による酸素の失活 : 食品
- Sterilization of Microorganisms by the Supercritical Carbon Dioxide Micro-Bubble Method
- 食品分析-香り・呈味成分の分析-
- 紅茶香気成分の比較分析
- 超臨界炭酸ガス抽出によるテルペンレスオイルの作製におけるエントレ-ナ-としてのエタノ-ルの効果
- 食品の基本的匂い特性に対する匂い標品の作製とその評価
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- Flow Patterns in Soybean Protein Isolate Melt in the Reservoir of an Extrusion Viscometer
- Classification of the Constituents of Citrus Juice Residue by a Wet-Grinding Process
- Texturization of Whole Soybean in a Twin-Screw Extruder
- 高圧力カーボネーション殺菌
- Effects of Freezing Conditions on Enzyme Impregnation into Food Materials by Freeze-Thaw Infusion
- Enzymatic Production of Malto-oligosaccharide in Potato by Freeze-Thaw Infusion
- Enzyme Inactivation and Quality Preservation of Sake by High-Pressure Carbonation at a Moderate Temperature
- Formation of Zinc Protoporphyrin IX and Protoporphyrin IX from Oxymyoglobin in Porcine Heart Mitochondria
- Preparation and Characterization of Liposomal Microencapsulated Poly-γ-glutamic Acid for Prevention of Ca-Phosphate Precipitation under Intestinal Environment
- The Effects of High Hydrostatic Pressure Treatment on the Flavor and Color of Grated Ginger
- Effect of Low-Pressure Carbonation on Heat Inactivation of Yeast and Bacterial Vegetative Cells
- Glycation of Ovalbumin in Solid-State by Conductive and Microwave Heating
- Red jungle fowl (Gallus gallus) as a model for studying the molecular mechanism of seasonal reproduction
- Peripheral clock gene expression in CS mice with bimodal locomotor rhythms
- Oral thyroxine administration mimics photoperiodically induced gonadal growth in Japanese quail
- Injury of Escherichia coli K12 by Hydrostatic Pressure Treatment with Rapid Decompression
- Swirl-Flow Membrane Emulsification for High Throughput of Dispersed Phase Flux through Shirasu Porous Glass (SPG) Membrane
- Neuroendocrine mechanism of seasonal reproduction in birds and mammals
- The Effect of Low-Pressure Carbonation on the Heat Inactivation of Escherichia coli
- Effects of Carbonation with Heating on Germination of Bacillus subtilis Spores
- Preparation of Liposomal Microcapsules by Proliposome Method with Soybean Lecithin
- Effect of Food Additives on the Inactivation of Bacterial Spores by Reciprocal Pressurization Treatment