- 論文の詳細を見る
This report first surveyed climacteric disorders including their definition and onset mechanism, and then examined the effect of exercise climacteric symptoms with focus on the psychological effect especially from the health psychological viewpoint. It is thought that the onset of climacteric symptoms is triggered by social and psychological stress coupled with the endocrine circumstantial change due to the aging of the ovary. Therefore, a hormone substitution therapy has been considered to be the most effective remedy for climacteric symptoms. However, recently the pursuit of non-pharmacological therapy is begging in earnest including counseling and improvement of life habits. Exercise is effective in the prevention and reduction of heart disease and osteoporosis, but its influence on climacteric symptoms is yet unknown as with its relationship to dynamics of estrogen. Most past studies on the effect of exercise on climacteric symptoms were merely incidental to the studies of exercise prescription as a non-drug therapy for the improvement of life habits, life behavior and life style or for such illnesses as hypertension that a often attributable to poor life habits. Since these studies did not place the principal of objective on the exercise, they did not clarify the types and amount of exercise necessary for reducing climacteric symptoms or the effect of its continuation. Because psychological, social and cultural factors also have a strong influence on the onset of climacteric symptoms, it would be fair to consider that, along with psychological, there must be a psychological aspect in the effect of exercise on the reduction of climacteric symptoms. However, the study about the psychological effects of exercise on climacteric symptoms has been extremely limited and a consensus of opinion has not been reached due to tho difference evaluation scales used and other reasons. As the theme for future study, it is necessary to elucidate the psychological effects of exercise on the climacteric symptoms. We believe this will contribute to the improvement of quality of life for the middle-aged women.
- 九州大学の論文
- 2000-02-10
上田 真寿美
徳永 幹雄
Institute of Health Science, Kyushu University
上田 真寿美
raduate School of Human-Environment Studies, Kyushu University
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