<原著>メンタルヘルスパターンと健康行動との関係(1) : 特に身体活動関連変数を中心として
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The Mental Health Pattern (MHP) was recently developed by Hashimoto et al. (1994, 1999) to assess four types of mental health: "Vivid," "Dull," "Resisting," and "Exhausted." These types are classified by using stress and QOL dimensions. The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between MHP types and selected health outcomes such as physical fitness, physical activity, consciousness towards health, and lifestyle. To achieve these ends, a 79-item questionnaire was administered to 221 male and 219 female junior and senior high school students. Chi-square analyses revealed that there were no significant school or gender differences in the exhibited ratios of the four MHP types, while the "Vivid" type exhibited the greatest frequency of occurance (36.1% of all subjects). In addition, there were significant positive relationships between MHP type and self-confidence towards physical fitness (F=55.126, p<.01) and consciousness towards health (F=27.409, p<.01). Also, the data indicated that MHP types significantly correlate with individual lifestyle, health conditions and physical activity. This study suggests that consciousness towards health and physical fitness or health behavior is related to mental health.
- 九州大学の論文
- 2000-02-10
徳永 幹雄
Institute of Health Science, Kyushu University
徳永 幹雄
徳永 幹雄
橋本 公雄
Institute of Health Science, Kyushu University
渡壁 史子
Graduate School of Human-Environment Studies, Kyushu University
渡壁 史子
Graduate School Of Human-environment Studies Kyushu University
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