Role of NMDA receptor upon [^<14>C]acetate uptake into intact rat brain
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 2009-02-01
安藤 興一
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Natl. Instit. Rad. Sci. Med.
Ando K
Division Of Health Sciences Graduate School Of Medicine Osaka University
Hosoi R
Division Of Health Sciences Graduate School Of Medicine Osaka University
Inoue O
Division Of Health Sciences Graduate School Of Medicine Osaka University
Inoue O
Central Research Laboratory Matsushita Electric Industrial Co. Ltd.
Ando Koichi
Heavy-ion Radiobiology Res. Group National Inst. Of Radiological Sciences
Ando Soichiro
National Institute Of Radiological Sciences
Ando Koichi
Department Of Technical Support And Development Natl. Inst. Radiol. Sci.
Ando Koichi
Space And Particle Radiation Science Research Group National Institute Of Radiological Sciences
Momosaki Sotaro
Division Of Health Sciences Graduate School Of Medicine Osaka University
Ando Koichi
Division Of Health Sciences Graduate School Of Medicine Osaka University
Hosoi Rie
Division Of Health Sciences Graduate School Of Medicine Osaka University
Gee Antony
Department Of Chemistry Chemical Biology Center Imperial College Of London
HIROSE Shinichiro
Division of Health Sciences, Graduate School of Medicine, Osaka University
ABE Kohji
Division of Health Sciences, Graduate School of Medicine, Osaka University
Division of Health Sciences, Graduate School of Medicine, Osaka University
Inoue O
Tohoku Rosai Hospital
Ando Koichi
International Space Radiation Laboratory National Institute Of Radiological Sciences
Hirose Shinichiro
Division Of Health Sciences Graduate School Of Medicine Osaka University
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