Responses of total and quiescent cell populations in solid tumors to carbon ion beam irradiation (290 MeV/u) in vivo
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 2008-06-25
Matsubara Sho
Particle Radiation Oncology Research Center Research Reactor Institute Kyoto University
安藤 興一
Matsuura Shinya
Particle Radiation Oncology Research Center Research Reactor Institute Kyoto University
Suzuki Keiji
Course Of Life Sciences And Radiation Research Graduate School Of Biomedical Sciences Nagasaki Unive
Suzuki Keiji
大阪府立大学先端科学イノベーションセンター 放射線生命科学
Matsuura Shinya
Matsuura Shinya
Department Of Radiation Biology Research Institute For Radiation Biology And Medicine Hiroshima Univ
ONO Koji
Particle Radiation Oncology Research Center, Research Reactor Institute, Kyoto University
Heavy-ion Radiobiology Research Group, Research Center for Charged Particle Therapy, National Instit
安藤 興一
Shinya Matsuura
Res. Inst. Rad. Biol. Med. Hiroshima Univ.
安藤 興一
Natl. Instit. Rad. Sci. Med.
FUTAMI Yasuyuki
Shizuoka Cancer Center
Futami Yasuyuki
茨城県立医療大学 放射線技術科学科
Futami Yasuyuki
The Institute Of Physics University Of Tsukuba
Futami Yasuyuki
Dvisin Of Accelerator Physics And Engineering National Institite Of Radiological Sciences Chiba Japa
Ando Koichi
Heavy-ion Radiobiology Research Group National Institute Of Radiological Sciences
Ono Koji
Particle Radiation Oncology Research Center Kyoto University
MASUNAGA Shin-Ichiro
Particle Radiation Oncology Research Centre, Research Reactor Institute, Kyoto University
Masunaga Shin-ichiro
Particle Radiation Oncology Research Center Kyoto University
笹井 啓資
小池 幸子
北里大学 獣医学部
Sasai Keisuke
Heavy-ion Radiobiology Research Group National Institute Of Radiological Sciences
Heavy-Ion Radiobiology Research Group, Research Center for Charged Particle Therapy, National Instit
Heavy-Ion Radiobiology Research Group, Research Center for Charged Particle Therapy, National Instit
KOIKE Sachiko
Heavy-Ion Radiobiology Research Group, Research Center for Charged Particle Therapy, National Instit
Ando K
Division Of Health Sciences Graduate School Of Medicine Osaka University
Kodama S
Radiation Biology Laboratory Radiation Research Center Frontier Science Innovation Center Organizati
Ando Koichi
Heavy-ion Radiobiology Res. Group National Inst. Of Radiological Sciences
Kodama Seiji
Division Of Radiation Biology And Health Science Research Center For Radiation And Radioisotopes Res
Shibuya Keiko
Department Of Radiation Oncology And Image-applied Therapy Kyoto University Hospital
Shibuya K
Kyoto Univ. Graduate School Of Medicine Kyoto Jpn
Koike Sachiko
Heavy-ion Radiobiology Res. Group National Inst. Of Radiological Sciences
Uzawa Akiko
Heavy-ion Radiobiology Research Group Research Center For Charged Particle Therapy National Institut
Ono Koji
Particle Radiation Oncology Research Center Research Reactor Institute Kyoto University
KOIKE Sachiko
National Inst. of Radiol. Sci
Ando Soichiro
National Institute Of Radiological Sciences
Ando Koichi
Department Of Technical Support And Development Natl. Inst. Radiol. Sci.
Ando Koichi
Space And Particle Radiation Science Research Group National Institute Of Radiological Sciences
Masunaga Shin-ichiro
Particle Radiation Oncology Research Center Research Reactor Institute Kyoto University
Ando Koichi
Division Of Health Sciences Graduate School Of Medicine Osaka University
Hirayama Ryoichi
Heavy-ion Radiobiology Research Group Research Center For Charged Particle Therapy National Institut
Hirayama Ryoichi
Heavy-ion Radiobiol. Res. Gr. Natl. Inst. Radiol. Sci.
Uzawa Akiko
Furusawa Y
Research Center For Charged Particle Therapy National Institute Of Radiological Sciences
Furusawa Yoshiya
Kasai Soko
Department Of Medicinal Chemistry Center For Frontier Research In Medicinal Science 21st Century Coe
Koike Sachiko
Heavy-ion Radiobiology Research Group Research Center For Charged Particle Therapy National Institut
Matsubara Sho
Yokohama City Univ. School Of Med. Dep. Of Radiol. Tokyo Med. &dent. Univ. School Of Dent. Dep.
Hirayama Ryoichi
Grad. Sch. Sci. Tech. Chiba Univ.
Furusawa Yoshiya
Heavy-ion Radiobiology Res. Group National Inst. Of Radiological Sciences
Ando Koichi
Heavy-ion Radio. Res. Nirs
Ando Koichi
International Space Radiation Laboratory National Institute Of Radiological Sciences
Furusawa Yoshiya
Div. Of Accelerator Res. Natl. Inst. Of Radiol. Sci.
Furusawa Yoshiya
Heavy-ion Radiobiol. Res. Gr. Res. Center Charged Particle Therapy Nirs.
- 382 ATCCS (Adhesive Tumor Cell Culture System) 法を用いた消化器癌の放射線感受性試験の検討(第41回日本消化器外科学会総会)
- 242 Analysis of apoptosis induction in Nbs1 deficient cells(Apoptosis related, Abstracts of the 46th Annual Meeting of the Japan Radiation Research Society)
- 206 Functional Domain Analysis of NBS1 Gene in Homologous Recombinational Repair(Physics, chemistry and DNA damage, Abstracts of the 46th Annual Meeting of the Japan Radiation Research Society)
- 98 Localization of Rad51 protein in cells from patients with Fanconi Anemia D1 group(Repair of radiation damage, Abstracts of the 46th Annual Meeting of the Japan Radiation Research Society)
- S-3-1 Mechanisms of DNA double-strand break repair(Biological Effects of Low Dose and Low Dose-rate Irradiations, Abstracts of the 46th Annual Meeting of the Japan Radiation Research Society)
- Mutation screening for a novel cancer-predisposition syndrome of total PCS
- p53-Binding Protein 1 (53BP1) is Involved in the Repair of DNA Double-Strand Breaks
- Analysis of the function of NBS1 in DNA double-strand break repair
- Histone H2AX regulates the formation of NBS1 foci on DNA damage sites
- Dissociation of ATM/NBS1 functions in telomere maintenance
- NBS1 is involved in recognition of DNA damage and initiation of homologous recombination.
- Bystander mutagenic effect of alpha particle in human-hamster hybrid cells
- Somatic Mutation Caused by Low Dose Rate Tritium Radiation : Studies Using A Hyper-sensitive DetectionSystem
- Complementation studies of immortalized cell lines from infants with total PCS
- Establishement of mouse Nbs1-deficient cell lines by gene targeting
- Association of cells from Fanconi anemia patients with radiation sensitivity
- Estimation of Dose Absorbed Fraction for ^I-bera rays in Rat Thyroid
- 25.骨肉腫の放射線治療効果に関する研究第1報 : マウス実験骨肉腫におけるγ線および速中性子線の効果(第738回千葉医学会整形外科例会)
- Association of DNA repair protein NBS1 with telomere maintenance
- The function of NBS1 and histone H2AX in the early process of DNA repair.
- Reversed dose-rate effect of high LET radiation in mutation induction
- Chromosomal instability syndrome of total premature chromatid separation with mosaic variegated aneuploidy is defective in mitotic spindle checkpoint
- Screening of protein interacting with FANCG by Yeast two-hybrid system
- Identification of a novel mRNA containing GADD45 exons
- X-Ray Dose Enhancement Caused by the Addition of Gd-contrast Media and its Effect for Chromosome Aberration Efficiencies.
- The Relationship Between Residual Interphase Chromosome Breakage and Cellular Radiosensitivity in Transformed Syrian Golden Hamster Cells
- A Comparison of Biological Responses of Human Tumor Cells After Irradiation with Heavy Ions and Neutrons
- Response of human tumor cells in plateau phase and grown as spheroids to carbon beam irradiation.
- 23.骨軟部悪性腫瘍に対する重粒子線治療の展望(第853回 千葉医学会整形外科例会)
- Four novel mutations of the Fanconi anemia group A gene (FAA) in Japanese patients
- Functionally important domain analysis of the Nijimegen breakage syndrome gene. NBS1
- Development of a Radio-sensitive Mutation System for the Study of Dose Rate Effects of Space High LET Radiation
- 343 放射線治療における腫瘍血管および酸素分圧分布の影響
- NBS1, the Nijmegen breakage syndrome protein, regulates the localization of DNA repair complex hRAD50/hMRE11/NBS1
- Accelerated telomere shortening by disruption of DNA repair protein NBS1
- Construction of Nbs1 knockout cell line using chicken DT40
- Responses of total and quiescent cell populations in solid tumors to carbon ion beam irradiation (290 MeV/u) in vivo
- The role of cytochrome c and mitochondria in the signal transduction pathway for radiation-induced apoptosis
- GADD45 and JNK/SAPK expressions following treatment of high osmolarity agent and γray in HeLa S3 cells
- Evaluation of Late Radiation Damage of Normal Tissues in Mouse Hind Legs after Irradiation with Carbon Beams
- RBE and Dose Distribution of Heavy Ion Beams.
- Cytosol extracted from irradiated cells induced DNA fragmentation
- Time Dependent Reduction of Skin Shrinkage in Mouse after Irradiation with the Falloff of Carbon Bragg Peak
- Dose response relations in acute cell death of pancreatic islets after irradiation of golden hamster with X-ray ,7OMeV proton and 290MeV carbon beams.
- Morphological Evaluation of Normal Tissue Damage after Neon Beam Irradiation in Mouse Hind Legs
- Evaluation of Normal Tissue Damage after Fractionated Irradiation of HIMAC Carbon- 12 in Mouse Hind Legs
- RBBs of 30MeV Fast Neutrons and 135MeV Carbon Beams for Clongenecities in Mouse Growing Tail Cartilage Cells.
- The effects of cell death and mutatlon induction lrradiated with acceterated carbon ion beams with spread out Bragg peak.
- Nijmegen Breakage Syndrome (NBS) gene, NBS1, is involved in telomeric length maintenance.
- 重粒子線で誘発されるクロマチン切断誘発のLET依存性
- ネオンイオンビームによる細胞死と突然変異誘発効果
- Skin reaction after single doses of HIMAC Carbon-12 Spread- Out-Bragg-Peak
- Changes in the Pharmacokinetics of Gd-DTPA in Experimental Tumors after Charged Particle Radiation : Comparison with γ-Ray Radiation
- 22.C3Hマウス正常組織及び線維肉腫(NSFa)に対するEtoposideの腹腔内投与と放射線による修飾効果(第787回千葉医学会例会・第4回磯野外科例会)
- Protective Effects of Melatonin Against Low- and High-LET Irradiation
- Repair of Skin Damage During Fractionated Irradiation with Gamma Rays and Low-LET Carbon Ions
- Biological Gain of Carbon-ion Radiotherapy for the Early Response of Tumor Growth Delay and against Early Response of Skin Reaction in Mice
- 269 Significance of beta term in carbon-ion radiotherapy(Bases of radiotherapy, Abstracts of the 46th Annual Meeting of the Japan Radiation Research Society)
- 265 Relationship between RBE values of Carbon Ion and Tumor Growth Rate(Bases of radiotherapy, Abstracts of the 46th Annual Meeting of the Japan Radiation Research Society)
- 258 Different Responses of Malignant Melanomas and Squamous Cell Carcinomas to X-rays and Heavy-ion Beams-II(Bases of radiotherapy, Abstracts of the 46th Annual Meeting of the Japan Radiation Research Society)
- ビールは放射線から体を守る?
- Tumor Induction in Mice Locally Irradiated with Carbon Ions : A Retrospective Analysis
- Positional cloning of the gene for Nijmegen breakage syndrome
- Genetic Mapping of Nijmegen Breakage Syndrome using Functional Complementation Assays and Homozygosity Mapping
- Haplotype Analysis of Nijmegen Breakage Syndrome and Construction of Physical Map of Candidate Region.
- Complementation Assay between Radiation-Sensitive irs2 Mutant and Ataxia-Telangiectasia Cell
- The Genetic Homogeneity of Nijmegen Breakage Syndrome V1 and V2.
- Mapping of the underlying gene for rare genetic complementation group Fanconi anemia
- Neutron Generator (HIRRAC) and Dosimetry Study
- Development of a low energy proton irradiation system using HIRRAC
- NBS1 Regulates Apoptosis Induced by γ-Irradiation in Lymphoblastoid
- Mutation screening of the NBS1 gene in sporadic malignant lymphoma
- LET, cell cycle dependence for mutation induction and spectrum in HPRT locus
- Cell Cycle and LET Dependence for Radiation-induced Mutation : A Possible Mechanism for Reversed Dose-rate Effect
- Radiation-induced teratogenicity and embryo lethality in the scid mice.
- Morphometric Evaluation of Late Normal Tissue Damage after Neon Beam Irradiation in Mouse Hind Legs
- Glycine Betaine, a Beer Component, Protects Radiation-induced Injury
- Biological Intercomparison Using Gut Crypt Survivals for Proton and Carbon-Ion Beams
- Mutation Analysis of the Fanconi Anemia Gene FAA in Japanese patients
- Mutation Analysis of the Fanconi Anemia Genes in Japanese Patients
- Function of NBS1 in Activation of ATM kinase in Response to IR.
- O-15. Chromosome instability and cancer predisposition in the PCS (premature chromatid separation) syndrome(Abstracts of the oral and poster presentations,Abstracts of the 55th Annual Meeting of the Society of Chromosome Research)
- O-11. The optimal conditions for cytological diagnosis of total premature chromatid separation (PCS), a novel cancer-prone genetic trait associated with mitotic checkpoint defect(Abstracts of the oral and poster presentations)(The 53rd Annual Meeting of t
- Early Growth of Experimental Lung Metastasis in Mouse
- Morphological Evaiuation of Normal Tissue Damage after Carbon Beam Irradiation in Mouse Hind Legs
- The genetic complementation assay of Nijmegen breakage syndrome witit ataxia telangiectasia on the basis of radiation sensitivity to cell killing.
- Differences in pO_2 Peaks of a Murine Fibrosarcoma between Carbon-ion and X-ray Irradiation
- 267 Early Change of ^C-Thymidine Uptake after Carbon-beam Irradiation in Experimental Tumors(Bases of radiotherapy, Abstracts of the 46th Annual Meeting of the Japan Radiation Research Society)
- Repair Kinetics of DNA-DSB Induced by X-rays or Carbon Ions under Oxic and Hypoxic Conditions
- Chromosomal Aberrations in Lymphocytes of Lung Cancer Patients Treated with Carbon Ions
- Nijmegen breakage syndrome : Sequence analysis of an 800-kb genomic region on chromosome 8q21.
- The relationship between NBS1 and cell death induced by γ-ray irradiation in lymphoblastoid
- Cell cycle and LET dependence for 6-thioguanine-resistant mutation induced by heavy ion beam in mouse L5178Y cells
- Ectopic Neurons in the Hippocampus may be a Cause of Learning Disability after Prenatal Exposure to X-rays in Rats
- De-coupling of blood flow and metabolism in the rat brain induced by glutamate
- Role of NMDA receptor upon [^C]acetate uptake into intact rat brain
- Genetic heterogeneity of ataxia-telangiectasia-like hamster mutant irs2 with Nijmegen breakage syndrome
- Genetic heterogeneity of ataxia-telangiectasia-like hamster mutant irs2 with Nijmegen breakage syndrome.
- Radiation-induced HPRT mutation of a radiation sensitive hamster cell line irs1SF
- DNA-dependent protein kinase restores mouse scid mutation