2-Haloacrylate hydratase is a bifunctional enzyme with NADH-dependent FAD reductase activity
Kurihara T
Laboratory Of Applied Biological Chemistry Department Of Synthetic Chemistry And Biological Chemistr
Esaki Nobuyoshi
Kyoto Univ.
Esaki Nobuyoshi
Nstitute For Chemical Research Kyoto University
Kurihara T
Institute For Chemical Research Kyoto University
Esaki Nobuyoshi
Inst. For Chemical Res. Kyoto Univ.
Esaki N
Kyoto Univ.
Kurihara T
Kyoto Univ. Kyoto
Esaki Nobuyoshi
Kyoto Univ. Kyoto Jpn
- Production of (S)-2-Chloropropionate by Asymmetric Reduction of 2-Chloroacrylate with 2-Haloacrylate Reductase Coupled with Glucose Dehydrogenase(BIOCHEMICAL ENGINEERING)
- Serine Racemase with Catalytically Active Lysinoalanyl Residue
- Amino Acid Racemases : Functions and Mechanisms
- Gene Cloning, Purification, and Characterization of 2, 3-Diaminopropionate Ammonia-lyase from Escherichia coli(Biochemistry & Molecular Biology)
- Stereospecificity for the Hydrogen Transfer of Pyridoxal Enzyme Reactions
- Gene Cloning, Purification, and Characterization of Two Cyanobacterial NifS Homologs Driving Iron-Sulfur Cluster Formation
- Stereochemistry of the Transamination Reaction Catalyzed by Aminodeoxychorismate Lyase from Escherichia coli: Close Relationship between Fold Type and Stereochemistry
- Three-Dimensional Structure of 4-Amino-4-Deoxychorismate Lyase from Escherichia coli
- Kinetic and Mutational Studies of Three NifS Homologs from Esherichia coli: Mechanistic Difference between L-Cysteine Desulfurase and L-Selenocysteine Lyase Reactions
- Catalysis-Linked Inactivation of Fluoroacetate Dehalogenase by Ammonia: A Novel Approach to Probe the Active-Site Environment
- X-Ray Structure of a Reaction Intermediate of L-2-Haloacid Dehalogenase with L-2-Chloropropionamid
- Primary Structure and Catalytic Properties of a Cold-active Esterase from a Psychrotroph, Acinetobacter sp. Strain No.6. Isolated from Siberian Soil(Biochemistry & Molecular Biology)
- Cold-Active Lipolytic Activity of Psychrotrophic Acinetobacter sp. Strain No.6
- Production of New Tricarboxylic Acid Anhydrides from Stearic Acid by Pseudomonas cepacia A-1419
- Biotransformation of Oleic Acid by Alcaligenes sp. 5-18,a Bacterium Tolerant to High Concentrations of Oleic Acid
- Biotransformation of Oleic Acid by Micrococcus luteus Cells
- Transformation of Oleic Acid and Its Esters by Sarcina lutea(Microbiology & Fermentation Industry)
- Identification of Proteins Interacting with Selenocysteine Lyase
- Thioredoxin Reductase 1 Is Important for Selenoprotein Biosynthesis in HeLa Cells
- Enzymatic Synthesis of L-Pipecolic Acid by Δ^1-Piperideine-2-carboxylate Reductase from Pseudomonas putida
- Selenoprotein Biosynthesis and Selenium-Specific Enzymes (特集1:若手が拓く微量元素研究の最前線)
- Protein Interaction between Selenophosphate Synthetase and IscS
- RNAi-mediated knock down of mammalian selenocysteine lyase
- A New Family of NAD(P)H-Dependent Oxidoreductases Distinct from Conventional Rossmann-Fold Proteins
- Expression analysis of mammalian selenocysteine lyase
- Network of Protein-Protein Interactions among Iron-Sulfur Cluster Assembly Proteins in Escherichia coli
- Structure of External Aldimine of Escherichia coli CsdB, an IscS/NifS Homolog: Implications for Its Specificity toward Selenocysteine
- Screening and identification of a protein interacting with IscU
- Tyrosine 265 of Alanine Racemase Serves as a Base Abstracting α-Hydrogen from L-Alanine: The Counterpart Residue to Lysine 39 Specific to D-Alanine
- 2-Haloacrylate hydratase is a bifunctional enzyme with NADH-dependent FAD reductase activity
- Possible role of red blood cells in selenocysteine metabolism
- Selenocysteine is selectively taken up by red blood cells
- Comprehensive Site-Directed Mutagenesis of L-2-Halo Acid Dehalogenase to Probe Catalytic Amino Acid Residues
- Two Kinds of 2-Halo Acid Dehalogenases from Pseudomonas sp. YL Induced by 2-Chloroacrylate and 2-Chloropropionate
- Role of Tyrosine 265 of Alanine Racemase from Bacillus stearothermophilus
- The Distribution of Phosphatidyl-D-serine in the Rat
- Primary Structure and Properties of Bacterial Formate Dehydrogenase From Moraxella sp C-1
- Thermostable Ornithine Aminotransferase from Bacillus sp. YM- 2: Purification and Characterization
- Structural Analysis of the L-Methionine γ-Lyase Gene from Pseudomonas putida^1
- Role of Leucine 201 of Thermostable D-Amino Acid Aminotransferase from a Thermophile, Bacillus sp. YM-1
- In Vivo Effect of GroESL on the Folding of Glutamate Racemase of Escherichia coli
- 364 Thermostable Formate Dehydrogenase from Mycobacterium vaccae N10; Structure and Function
- Large-Scale Production of Thermostable Alanine Dehydrogenase from Recombinant Cells
- Total Conversion of Racemic 2-Chloropropionic Acid into D-Lactate by Combination of Enzymatic and Chemical Dehalogenations
- 411 Enzymatic Dehalogenation of 2-Halo Acids in Nonaqueous Medium
- Characterization of Human Selenocysteine Synthase Involved in Selenoprotein Biosynthesis
- Functional Analysis of Two Homologous Mouse Selenophosphate Synthetases
- DnaK from Vibrio proteolyticus : Complementation of a dnaK-Null Mutant of Escherichia coli and the Role of Its ATPase Domain (Enzymology, Protein Engineering, and Enzyme Technology)
- Effects of Carbon Source on the Application of a Novel Foreign Gene Expression System in Saccharomyces cerevisiae Using the Upstream Region of the Candida Tropicalis Isocitrate Lyase Gene (UPR-ICL)
- Molecular Evolution of Yeast Thiolase Isozymes
- Comparison of Molecular Structures and Regulation of Biosynthesis of Unique Thiolase Isozymes Localized Only in Peroxisomes of n-Alkane-Utilizable Yeast, Candida tropicalis
- Localization of Candida tropicalis Peroxisomal Isocitrate Lyase Highly Expressed in Peroxisome-Proliferated Saccharomyces cerevisiae
- Immunoelectron Microscopic Localization of Thiolases, β-Oxidation Enzymes of an n-Alkane-Utilizable Yeast, Candida tropicalis
- Crystal Structure of the Pyridoxal 5'-phosphate Dependent L-Methionine γ-Lyase from Pseudomonas putida
- Structure of the Antitumour Enzyme L-Methionine γ-Lyase from Pseudomonas putida at 1.8A Resolution
- Role of Tyrosine 114 of L-Methionine γ-lyase from Pseudomonas putida
- Transamination as a Side-Reaction catalyzed by Alanine Racemase of Bacillus stearothermophilus
- Construction and Properties of a Fragmentary D-Amino Acid Aminotransferase
- Stereospecific Labeling at α-Position of Phenylalanine and Phenylglycine with Amino Acid Racemase
- Compensation for D-Glutamate Auxotrophy of Escherichia coli WM335 by D-Amino Acid Aminotransferase Gene and Regulation of murI Expression
- Mutation of Arginine 98, Which Serves as a Substrate-Recognition Site of D-Amino Acid Aminotransferase, Can Be Partly Compensated for by Mutation of Tyrosine 88 to an Arginyl Residue
- Cloning and Expression of the Glutamate Racemase Gene of Bacillus pumilus^1
- Conversion of α-Keto Acids to D-Amino Acids by Coupling of Four Enzyme Reactions
- Glutamate Racemase of E. coli : Recharacterization of the Activation by UDP-N -Acetylmuramoyl-L-Alanine
- Reconstitution of Fragmentary Form of Thermostable Alanine Racemase
- Catalytic Action of L-Methionine γ-Lyase on 4-Azaleucine(Biological Chemistry)
- Chemical Modification of Cysteine Residues of _L-Methionine γ-Lyase(Biological Chemistry)
- Purification and Characterization of Aldehyde Reductase from Leuconostoc dextranicum
- Effects of Pyridoxal 5'-Phosphate on the Refolding of Aspartate Aminotransferase
- Limited Proteolysis of Thermostable Alanine Racemase of Bacillus stearothremophilus(Biological Chemistry)
- Inactivation of Glutamate Racemase of Pediococcus pentosaceus with L-Serine O-Sulfate
- Thermolabile Alanine Racemase from a Psychrotroph, Pseudomonas fluorescens : Purification and Properties
- Total Conversion of Racemic Pipecolic Acid into the L-Enantiomer by a Combination of Enantiospecific Oxidation with D-Amino Acid Oxidase and Reduction with Sodium Borohydride
- Synthesis of L-Proline form the Racemate by Coupling of Enzymatic Enantiospecific Oxidation and Chemical Non-Enantiospecific Reduction
- Decomposition of L-Selenodjenkolate Catalyzed by S-Alkylcysteine α,β-Lyase(Biological Chemistry)
- Continuous Conversion to Optically Pure L-Methionine from D-Enantiomer Contaminated Preparations by an Immobilized Enzyme Membrane Reactor
- Thermostable S-Alkylcysteine α,β-Lyase from a Thermophile : Purification and Properties(Biological Chemistry)
- Selenite Assimilation into Formate Dehydrogenase H Depends on Thioredoxin Reductase in Escherichia coli
- Gene Clonign, Purification, and Characterization of the Highly Thermostable Leucine Dehydrogenase of Bacillus sp.
- Gene Cloning, Purification and Characterization of Thermostable Alanine Dehydrogenase of Bacillus stearothermophilus
- Leucine Dehydrogenase of an Thermophilic Anaerobe, Clostridium thermoaceticum: Gene Cloning, Purification and Characterization(Microbiology & Fermentation Industry)
- The Role of Cysteine 116 in the Active Site of the Antitumor Enzyme L-Methionine γ-Lyase from Pseudomonas putida
- The Distribution of Phosphatidyl-D-serine in the Rat
- Selenocysteine Is Selectively Taken Up by Red Blood Cells
- Identification of Proteins Interacting with Selenocysteine Lyase
- Expression analysis of mammalian selenocysteine lyase
- Effects of Selenium Deficiency on the Expression of Selenoprotein mRNAs in Mouse Brain
- Specific transfer of selenium in selenoprotein biosynthesis
- Role of Cysteine Desulfurase in the Biosynthesis of Formate Dehydrogenase H Containing Mo, Molybdopterin, Selenocysteine, and Fe_4S_4 Cluster
- The C_3-N Bond Cleavage of 2-Amino-3-(N-substituted-amino)-propionic Acids Catalyzed by L-Methionine γ-Lyase(Biological Chemistry)
- Selenite Reduction by the Thioredoxin System : Kinetics and Identification of Protein-Bound Selenide