Effects of Selenium Deficiency on the Expression of Selenoprotein mRNAs in Mouse Brain
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 2003-12-30
三原 久明
Kurihara Tatsuo
京都大学化学研究所 分子微生物科学
Kurihara T
Laboratory Of Applied Biological Chemistry Department Of Synthetic Chemistry And Biological Chemistr
Kurihara Tatsuo
Esaki N
Institute For Chemical Research Kyoto University
Esaki Nobuyoshi
Kyoto Univ.
Esaki Nobuyoshi
Nstitute For Chemical Research Kyoto University
Esaki Nobuyoshi
京都大学化学研究所 分子微生物科学
Ezaki Nobuyoshi
Laboratory Of Microbial Biochemistry Institute For Chemical Research Kyoto University
Kurihara Tatsuo
Institute for Chemical Research, Kyoto University
Kurihara T
Institute For Chemical Research Kyoto University
吉村 徹
Institute For Chemical Research Kyoto University
Yoshimura T
Institute For Chemical Research Kyoto University
Esaki Nobuyoshi
Inst. For Chemical Res. Kyoto Univ.
Esaki Nobuyoshi
Mizuno Haruo
Departments Of Pediatrics And Neonatology Nagoya City University Graduate School Of Medical Sciences
Mizuno Haruo
Department Of Biotechnology Graduate School Of Engineering Osaka University
Mizutani H
Dep. Of Biotechnology Coll. Of Life Sciences Ritsumeikan Univ.
Kurokawa Suguru
Institute For Chemical Research Kyoto University
Esaki N
Kyoto Univ.
Kurihara T
Kyoto Univ. Kyoto
Yoshimura Tohru
(present Adress)institute For Chemical Research. Kyoto University
Kato Shinichiro
Institute For Chemical Research Kyoto University
Esaki Nobuyoshi
Kyoto Univ. Kyoto Jpn
Esaki Nobuyoshi
Institute For Chemical Resarch Kyoto University
Mizutani Hisashi
Department Of Chemistry Faculty Of Science Osaka City University
Matsubara Hiroshi
Institute For Chemical Research Kyoto University
Kato S
Institute For Chemical Research Kyoto University
Mizuguchi H
Department Of Biochemistry Osaka Medical College
Murai Hiroki
名古屋市立大学 医学研究科新生児・小児医学分野
Murai Hiroki
Department Of Pediatrics And Neonatology Nagoya City University Graduate School Of Medical Sciences
- 3.必須微量元素セレンのタンパク質取込みに関連するタンパク質の機能(B群ビタミン酵素のシステムバイオロジー-新機能タンパク質の発見から病気との関連まで-,シンポジウム(平成21年度),ビタミンB研究委員会)
- 2-IV-29 セレノリン酸合成酵素SPS1はSPS2を抑制する(一般演題,日本ビタミン学会第62回大会発表要旨)
- 17.セレノシステインリアーゼの機能(第418回研究協議会研究発表要旨,ビタミンB研究委員会)
- Production of (S)-2-Chloropropionate by Asymmetric Reduction of 2-Chloroacrylate with 2-Haloacrylate Reductase Coupled with Glucose Dehydrogenase(BIOCHEMICAL ENGINEERING)
- 2-B-12 光学活性なN-アルキルアミノ酸および環状イミノ酸の合成に有用な酵素(第57回大会一般研究発表)(第57回大会研究発表要旨)
- 第76回日本生化学会大会
- Serine Racemase with Catalytically Active Lysinoalanyl Residue
- Amino Acid Racemases : Functions and Mechanisms
- Gene Cloning, Purification, and Characterization of 2, 3-Diaminopropionate Ammonia-lyase from Escherichia coli(Biochemistry & Molecular Biology)
- Stereospecificity for the Hydrogen Transfer of Pyridoxal Enzyme Reactions
- Gene Cloning, Purification, and Characterization of Two Cyanobacterial NifS Homologs Driving Iron-Sulfur Cluster Formation
- Stereochemistry of the Transamination Reaction Catalyzed by Aminodeoxychorismate Lyase from Escherichia coli: Close Relationship between Fold Type and Stereochemistry
- Three-Dimensional Structure of 4-Amino-4-Deoxychorismate Lyase from Escherichia coli
- N-アルキルアミノ酸と環状イミノ酸の不斉合成に利用できる酵素 (特集 アミノ酸合成の先端研究)
- 大腸菌由来新規NADH依存性ジヒドロピリミジンデヒドロゲナーゼの機能解析
- セレンタンパク質の生合成とセレン特異的酵素
- モリブドプテリン生合成におけるシステインデスルフラーゼIscSの役割
- 8.新規ピリミジンデヒドロゲナーゼ(第413回研究協議会研究発表要旨,ビタミンB研究委員会)
- 1.大腸菌のシステインデスルフラーゼCsdAの機能(第410回研究協議会研究発表要旨,ビタミンB研究委員会)
- 6.含硫tRNA生合成酵素(第405回研究協議会研究発表要旨,ビタミンB研究委員会)
- 2-III-27 シュードモナスのリジン分解経路におけるミッシング酵素の同定と解析(一般研究発表,日本ビタミン学会 第58回大会研究発表要旨)
- まだまだ謎の多いビオチン生合成(バイオミディア2003)
- 1-II-4 大腸菌新奇NifSホモログ、CSDの触媒特性
- Kinetic and Mutational Studies of Three NifS Homologs from Esherichia coli: Mechanistic Difference between L-Cysteine Desulfurase and L-Selenocysteine Lyase Reactions
- 2005年度日本農芸化学会大会(1)
- 1-IV-6 大腸菌由来新規NADH依存性ジヒドロピリミジンデヒドロゲナーゼの機能解析(一般研究発表,新世紀ビタミン学の展望と先進的展開を目指して,日本ビタミン学会第60回大会発表要旨)
- Catalysis-Linked Inactivation of Fluoroacetate Dehalogenase by Ammonia: A Novel Approach to Probe the Active-Site Environment
- X-Ray Structure of a Reaction Intermediate of L-2-Haloacid Dehalogenase with L-2-Chloropropionamid
- Primary Structure and Catalytic Properties of a Cold-active Esterase from a Psychrotroph, Acinetobacter sp. Strain No.6. Isolated from Siberian Soil(Biochemistry & Molecular Biology)
- Cold-Active Lipolytic Activity of Psychrotrophic Acinetobacter sp. Strain No.6
- Production of New Tricarboxylic Acid Anhydrides from Stearic Acid by Pseudomonas cepacia A-1419
- Biotransformation of Oleic Acid by Alcaligenes sp. 5-18,a Bacterium Tolerant to High Concentrations of Oleic Acid
- Biotransformation of Oleic Acid by Micrococcus luteus Cells
- Thioredoxin Reductase 1 Is Important for Selenoprotein Biosynthesis in HeLa Cells
- Enzymatic Synthesis of L-Pipecolic Acid by Δ^1-Piperideine-2-carboxylate Reductase from Pseudomonas putida
- Selenoprotein Biosynthesis and Selenium-Specific Enzymes (特集1:若手が拓く微量元素研究の最前線)
- Protein Interaction between Selenophosphate Synthetase and IscS
- RNAi-mediated knock down of mammalian selenocysteine lyase
- A New Family of NAD(P)H-Dependent Oxidoreductases Distinct from Conventional Rossmann-Fold Proteins
- Network of Protein-Protein Interactions among Iron-Sulfur Cluster Assembly Proteins in Escherichia coli
- Structure of External Aldimine of Escherichia coli CsdB, an IscS/NifS Homolog: Implications for Its Specificity toward Selenocysteine
- Screening and identification of a protein interacting with IscU
- Tyrosine 265 of Alanine Racemase Serves as a Base Abstracting α-Hydrogen from L-Alanine: The Counterpart Residue to Lysine 39 Specific to D-Alanine
- 2-Haloacrylate hydratase is a bifunctional enzyme with NADH-dependent FAD reductase activity
- Possible role of red blood cells in selenocysteine metabolism
- Comprehensive Site-Directed Mutagenesis of L-2-Halo Acid Dehalogenase to Probe Catalytic Amino Acid Residues
- Two Kinds of 2-Halo Acid Dehalogenases from Pseudomonas sp. YL Induced by 2-Chloroacrylate and 2-Chloropropionate
- 3. ビタミンB_6酵素, システインデスルフラーゼの構造と機能
- Role of Tyrosine 265 of Alanine Racemase from Bacillus stearothermophilus
- Primary Structure and Properties of Bacterial Formate Dehydrogenase From Moraxella sp C-1
- Thermostable Ornithine Aminotransferase from Bacillus sp. YM- 2: Purification and Characterization
- Structural Analysis of the L-Methionine γ-Lyase Gene from Pseudomonas putida^1
- Role of Leucine 201 of Thermostable D-Amino Acid Aminotransferase from a Thermophile, Bacillus sp. YM-1
- In Vivo Effect of GroESL on the Folding of Glutamate Racemase of Escherichia coli
- 364 Thermostable Formate Dehydrogenase from Mycobacterium vaccae N10; Structure and Function
- Large-Scale Production of Thermostable Alanine Dehydrogenase from Recombinant Cells
- Characterization of Human Selenocysteine Synthase Involved in Selenoprotein Biosynthesis
- Functional Analysis of Two Homologous Mouse Selenophosphate Synthetases
- DnaK from Vibrio proteolyticus : Complementation of a dnaK-Null Mutant of Escherichia coli and the Role of Its ATPase Domain (Enzymology, Protein Engineering, and Enzyme Technology)
- Effects of Carbon Source on the Application of a Novel Foreign Gene Expression System in Saccharomyces cerevisiae Using the Upstream Region of the Candida Tropicalis Isocitrate Lyase Gene (UPR-ICL)
- Molecular Evolution of Yeast Thiolase Isozymes
- Comparison of Molecular Structures and Regulation of Biosynthesis of Unique Thiolase Isozymes Localized Only in Peroxisomes of n-Alkane-Utilizable Yeast, Candida tropicalis
- Localization of Candida tropicalis Peroxisomal Isocitrate Lyase Highly Expressed in Peroxisome-Proliferated Saccharomyces cerevisiae
- Immunoelectron Microscopic Localization of Thiolases, β-Oxidation Enzymes of an n-Alkane-Utilizable Yeast, Candida tropicalis
- 2-I-16 亜セレン酸の還元代謝に関わるセレン-Thioredoxin付加体の同定(一般研究発表,日本ビタミン学会第61回大会研究発表要旨)
- 亜セレン酸還元代謝の「定説」を疑う!!
- 2-IV-16 ヒト肺由来セレノリン酸合成酵素アイソザイムのドメイン機能解析(一般研究発表,新世紀ビタミン学の展望と先進的展開を目指して,日本ビタミン学会第60回大会発表要旨)
- 2-III-14 大腸菌の亜セレン酸同化はチオレドキシン還元酵素に依存する(一般研究発表,日本ビタミン学会 第58回大会研究発表要旨)
- 酵素によるセレンと硫黄の識別機構
- Crystal Structure of the Pyridoxal 5'-phosphate Dependent L-Methionine γ-Lyase from Pseudomonas putida
- Structure of the Antitumour Enzyme L-Methionine γ-Lyase from Pseudomonas putida at 1.8A Resolution
- セレンタンパク質の機能と生合成
- 生物はSeとSをどのように識別しているか?
- シュードモナスのリジン分解経路におけるミッシング酵素の同定と解析
- セレン生化学研究の進展
- 2-II-25 IscSはモリブドプテリンの生合成に関与する(ビタミン学の原点・栄養学への21世紀的回帰, 日本ビタミン学会第59回大会)
- 1-II-1 リジン2-モノオキシゲナーゼの機能解析(ビタミン学の原点・栄養学への21世紀的回帰, 日本ビタミン学会第59回大会)
- セレンタンパク質 (特集 金属と生体--最近注目の研究動向)
- Role of Tyrosine 114 of L-Methionine γ-lyase from Pseudomonas putida
- Transamination as a Side-Reaction catalyzed by Alanine Racemase of Bacillus stearothermophilus
- Construction and Properties of a Fragmentary D-Amino Acid Aminotransferase
- セレン代謝におけるNifSホモログの役割
- 元素状硫黄と元素状セレンのバイオジェネシスを司るNifS相同タンパク質:鉄-硫黄クラスター形成能の解明
- セレン化合物とピリドキサール5'-リン酸酵素の生化学
- 代謝経路データベース上のミッシング酵素の同定
- 2.セレン化合物とピリドキサルリン酸の生化学(B群ビタミンと生理活性ミネラル,シンポジウム(平成17年度),ビタミンB研究委員会)
- N-メチル-L-アミノ酸とL-ピペコリン酸の合成酵素
- 遺伝子と微量元素 (特集 日常臨床で知っておきたい微量元素の知識)
- 4. バイオインフォマティクスを利用したリジン分解経路の解析(第400回ビタミンB研究委員会研究発表要旨)
- (2)鉄硫黄クラスター形成にかかわるピリドキサル酵素の機能,構造,触媒機構(シンポジウム : 「B群ビタミンはどのように働くか」)
- (2)セレンの生化学(バイオファクター研究のブレークスルー : 「微量元素・ミネラル」(II))
- The Distribution of Phosphatidyl-D-serine in the Rat
- Selenocysteine Is Selectively Taken Up by Red Blood Cells
- Identification of Proteins Interacting with Selenocysteine Lyase
- Expression analysis of mammalian selenocysteine lyase
- Effects of Selenium Deficiency on the Expression of Selenoprotein mRNAs in Mouse Brain
- Specific transfer of selenium in selenoprotein biosynthesis
- Role of Cysteine Desulfurase in the Biosynthesis of Formate Dehydrogenase H Containing Mo, Molybdopterin, Selenocysteine, and Fe_4S_4 Cluster
- モリブドプテリン生合成におけるシステインデスルフラーゼIscSの役割
- 1-III-9 4-メチル-5-(β-ヒドロキシエチル)チアゾールキナーゼの酵素学的特性の解明(一般演題要旨,第65回大会講演要旨)