志水 隆一
志水 隆一
Takai Yoshiaki
Nagoya University
志水 隆一
Osaka Inst. Technol. Osaka Jpn
志水 隆一
多留谷 政良
- Preparation of Y-Ba-Cu-O Thin Films by the CVD Method in a Vacuum-Evaporation-Type Reactor
- 超解像位相差電子顕微鏡とは
- SIトレーサブルな電子分光法 ; CMAを例として
- Log-Log表示によるAESスペクトル:拡張Sickafus Plot
- 2a-SB-21 レーザー誘起蛍光法(LIFM)によるスパッタ : 原子の密度測定 I
- 表面と分光学-6-オ-ジェ電子分光法(AES)--その発見からマイクロプロ-ブAESまで(講座)
- High-Quality Nb/AlO_x-Al/Nb Josephson Junctions with Gap Voltage of 2.95 mV
- 次世代超電子顕微鏡の開発
- 29aZF-12 3 次元フーリエフィルタリング法を用いた微粒子結晶界面の無収差電子顕微鏡観察
- 能動型画像処理に与える非線型結像成分の影響
- 結晶格子像の3次元フーリエ解析
- 実時間演算機能を有するCCDカメラの開発
- 担持金超微粒子触媒の透過電子顕微鏡観察
- 1枚の観察像からのコマ収差測定・除去法 -電子顕微鏡への応用-
- 電界放出型電子銃を用いたカソードルミネッセンス走査型電子顕微鏡の開発
- High-Critical-Current-Density Epitaxial Films of SmBa_2Cu_3O_ in High Fields
- Correlation between Film Thickness and Critical Current Density of Sm_Ba_Cu_3O_ Films Deposited by Pulsed Laser Deposition : Superconductors
- 強力軟X線源の開発-AlN/Cuターゲット
- 熱電界放射陰極(Zr-O/W (100))にみる高温表面物性の新たな展開
- Separation of linear and non-linear imaging components in high-resolution transmission electron microscope images
- Development of Monte Carlo Simulation of Generation of Continuous and Characteristic X-Rays by Electron Impact (Short Note)
- Fourier analysis of HRTEM image deterioration caused by mechanical vibration
- Nano-area electron diffraction pattern reconstructed from three-dimensional Fourier spectrum
- Real-time observation of spherical aberration-free phase image using high-speed image processing CCD video camera
- Flattening of Surface by Sputter-Etching with Low-Energy Ions : Instrumentation, Measurement, and Fabrication Technology
- Floating-type Compact Low-energy Ion Gun - Basic Performance for High-resolution Depth Profiling -
- Monte Carlo Simulation of Generations of Continuous and Characteristic X-Rays by Electron Impact
- Optimization of voltage axis alignment in high-resolution electron microscopy
- Development of a real-time defocus-image modulation processing electron microscope. II. Dynamic observation of spherical aberration-free phase image of surface atoms
- Development of a real-time defocus image modulation processing electron microscope. I. Construction
- TEM Study of the Interface Structure of CVD Diamond Heteroepitaxilly Grown on Pt(111) Substrate
- 単結晶LiTaO_3における分極反転ドメインの断面透過電子顕微鏡観察
- Evaluation of image drift correction by three-dimensional Fourier analysis
- Preliminary experiments for development of real-time defocus-image modulation processing electron microscope
- Cross-Sectional Transmission Electron Microscope Observation of Isolated Diamond Particles Heteroepitaxially Grown on Pt(111) Substrate
- Observation of Al surface during sputter-cleaning and annealing procedures under UHV-REM
- 未来開拓学術研究推進事業プロジェクト「次世代超電子顕微鏡の開発」 -実時間球面収差補正位相像観察-
- 未来開拓学術研究推進事業プロジェクト「次世代超電子顕微鏡の開発」 -能動型焦点位置変調電子顕微鏡の開発-
- 未来開拓学術研究推進事業プロジェクト「次世代超電子顕微鏡の開発」 -研究計画と進展状況について-
- 回折面アパーチャを用いた X 線光電子回折パターンの高角度分解能測定
- γ型エネルギーフィルタを用いたコインシデンス電子顕微鏡の開発
- 実時間球面収差補正 (新手法--21世紀に向けて)
- 集束イオンビームによる断面TEM試料作製
- ダイヤモンドをよく知るために--評価法(16):透過型電子顕微鏡(2)試料作製法
- ダイヤモンドをよく知るために--評価法(16)透過型電子顕微鏡(1)概論
- 集束イオンビームでTEM用試料を作製したら
- 加工されたMn-Zn単結晶フェライトの磁気特性 (第3報) : テープラッピングによる磁区構造の変化
- 走査型電子顕微鏡による磁区観察法 : Mn-Zn 単結晶フェライト加工変質層の研究への適用
- 原子レベルのキャラクタリゼ-ションをめざして (マイクロビ-ムアナリシスの現状と展望)
- 電子顕微鏡技術の来し方行く末 (電子顕微鏡・装置開発の将来を探る)
- 電子顕微鏡誕生をもたらした背景について--Hans Betheより学んだことなど (〔分析電子顕微鏡討論会〕20周年特別企画)
- FIBにおける最小イオン照射損傷--cross-sectional sputteringの限界について (ハードマテリアル評価の最前線)
- Extraction of Spherical and Chromatic Aberration -free Information by Focal-depth Extension Processing Under Tilted Illumination
- Effect of c-Axis-Correlated Disorders on the Vortex Diagram of the Pinning State
- 25a-Q-3 0.1μmφ電子線バイプリズム極細線の試作とその特性
- Thermally Stimulated Current in Polyethylene Terephthalate Electrets Formed by AC Electrical Fields
- Electroluminescence in Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET). II. : AC Voltage
- Carrier Traps in Polyethylene Naphthalate (PEN): Photoelectret
- Electroluminescenee in Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET) I. : Impulse Voltage
- Thermally Stimulated Currents from Polyethylene Terephthalate due to Injected Charges
- Thermally Stimulated Currents in Photoelectrets of Polyethylene Terephthalate
- X線微小分析装置 X線マイクロアナライザー(EPMA)
- 産学協力について-瀬藤委員会に思う-
- Enhancement of Flux-Pinning in Epitaxial Sm_Ba_Cu_3O_y Films by Introduction of Low-T_c Nanoparticles
- High-Critical-Current-Density SmBa_2Cu_3O_ Films Induced by Surface Nanoparticle
- Preparation of A-axis Oriented YBa_2Cu_3O_ Films by Metalorganic Chemical Vapor Deposition Using Liquid Sources
- Preparation of YBa_2Cu_3O_ Thin Films by Metal-Organic Chemical Vapor Deposition Using Liquid Sources
- Photovoltaic Cells of Merocyanine Dye Polymer Thin Films Prepared by Plasma Polymerization Method : Chemistry : incl. physical process
- Photoconduction in Polyvinyl Carbazole Thin Films Polymerized by Plasma-CVD
- Evidence of Mobile Ag and Growth Mechanism of YBa_2Cu_3O_7-y Films Deposited on Cube Textured Ag Tape by Chemical Vapor Deposition
- Spiral Growth of YBa_2Cu_3O_ Thin Films by Metalorganic Chemical Vapor Deposition Using Liquid-State Sources
- Temperature Dependence of Photocurrent in Polyethylene
- A Study on the Potential Structure of the Barrier in Ba_K_xBiO_3/Natural-Barrier/Au Structures
- マイクロビームアナリシスとともに茫々45年 : その基礎的研究から国際標準化へ
- 多層膜ターゲットにおける特性X線の空間分布のモンテカルロシミュレーション
- 低速イオン銃を用いた高分解能深さ方向分析〔含 査読者からのコメント・質疑応答〕
- FIB : その開発が目指したもの
- Study of Defects and Strains on Cleaved GaAs (110) Surface by Reflection Electron Microscopy
- The Fringe Scanning Method as Numerical Reconstruction for Electron Holography
- Aberration Correction by Electron Holography Using Numerical Reconstruction Method
- Observation of GaAs(110)Surface Defect by Reflection Electron Holography
- Photoconduction in Polyimide (Kapton H)
- Comparative Study on the Electronic Properties of p-Xylene Polymers Prepared by Plasma-Polymerization and Vapor Phase Pyrolysis
- Preparation of Phenylacetylene Polymer Thin Films by Photochemical Polymerization
- A Study on Carrier Traps in Plasma-Polymerized Phenylacetylene
- Electrical Conduction of Poly-P-Xylylene Thin Films on Si
- Electrical Properties of High-Molecular-Weight Poly-p-Phenylene Sulfide Films. : I. Photoconduction
- Thermally Deactivated-Type High Field Conduction in Poly-p-Xylylene Thin Films Polymerized in Vapor Phase
- Photogeneration of Charge Carriers in Polyimide Films
- Simultaneous Switching on Vertically Stacked Josephson Junctions with Very Thin Intermediate Electrode
- Magnetic Field Dependence of High J_c YBa_2Cu_3O_/Au/Nb Junctions Using a-Axis-Oriented YBa_2Cu_3O_ Thin Films
- Bismuth Valence Studies of As-Grown Superconducting Bi-Sr-Ca-Cu-O Thin Films with T_ from 98 K to 66 K
- High-T_c (95 K) As-Grown Superconducting Bi-Sr-Ca-Cu-O Thin Films
- Superconducting Properties of Y-Ba-Cu-O Thin Films Prepared by RF Magnetron Sputtering with a Grid Electrode
- Influence of Native Oxides on the Reliability of Ultrathin Gate Oxide
- Characterization of Silicon Native Oxide Formed in SC-1, H_2O_2 and Wet Ozone Processes
- Deposition of Y-Ba-Cu-O Thin Films by RF Magnetron Sputtering with a Grid Electrode: Plasma Parameters
- Fabrication Process and Properties of Nb-InSb-Nb Planar Junction
- Submicrometer-Scale Patterning of Superconducting Nb Films Using Focused Ion Beam
- Fabrication of S-N-S Junction with the Normal Layer of InSb