- 論文の詳細を見る
In this series of studies, we have discussed the significance of complements in various pathophysiology of otorhinolaryngeal diseases. The activation of complement components is thought to play important roles in health and disease.In this paper the total hemolytic activity (CH50) and the immunochemical assays of C1, C4, C3, C5, C9 and C3PA (Factor B) have been carried out in nasal allergy. Elevated CH50 titers have been observed in patients who were seriously ill for a long time compared to cases of short duration and moderate sickness. (Fig. 1) In Japanese cedar pollenosis, the CH50 titers have been elevated in 7 of the 12 patients during the pollen season. (Fig. 6) The CH50 titers have been reduced in 13 of the 23 patients and significant decreases of serum C1q and C5 levels have been observed after effective treatment with desensitization in patients with house dust allergy. (Fig. 2, Fig. 4)It is a well-known fact that the complement system is an important mediator of an acute inflmmatory response, and that complement activation may contribute to tissue injury. In most inflammatory conditons, the CH50 titer and concentration of complement components are elevated even though components of complement are inactivated. This is probably because there is enhanced synthesis of these proteins by macrophages which are the main source of the complement.Eosinophils are the predominant inflammatory cell in the tissue of nasal mucosa and mucous blanket in allergic rhinitis. The author and others reported in 1981 that neutral protease derived from guinea pig eosinophils had the ability to generate the eosinophil chemotactic factor from C5. (21) It appears that eosinophils may possess the ability to recruit other (or more) eosinophils during an allergic reaction through specific digestion of C5, resulting in the controlled chemotaxis and other inflammatory events. This may explain why the complement is inactivated in nasal allergy.
- 耳鼻咽喉科臨床学会の論文
三宅 浩郷
小川 浩司
山崎 嘉司
斎藤 成司
山崎 嘉司
山崎 嘉司
小川 浩司
小川 浩司
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- 94.口蓋扁桃と補体(補体, 免疫グロブリン)
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- Clinical experience with cefoperazone in the field of otorhinolaryngology.
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- Tumor associated antigens isolated from maxillary cancer cells.
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- Acute tonsillitis caused by sexually transmitted herpes simplex virus type 2.
- Endolaryngeal microsurgeryの経験(臨床ノート)
- 耳下腺小細胞癌例
- Treatment of the maxillary sinus cancer.
- Effect of "Hange-koboku-to" on abnormal sensation in the throat.
- Clinical effects of Saikoseikanto on habitual angina. 1st Report.