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Allergy is infrequently considered as a contributing factor in Ménière's disease and other vertiginous syndromes, and determination is difficult. We treated nine vertiginous patients with anti-allergy drugs. These same patients had had an allergic rhinitis for a long period and their symptoms had not improved with administration of any anti-vertiginous drug.Nine cases including three of Ménière's disease and five of floating syndrome complicated with allergic rhinitis and one of Lermoyez's syndrome with a positive family history for urticaria and migraine were treated by hyposensitization therapy with inhalant allergens and administration of histamine-γ-globulin complex (Linovin®).In this series, hyposensitization therapy for house dust or candida was performed in 4 out of nine cases, and Linovin therapy in 4, and both were given to one patient. The results were as follows: five patients were relieved of vertiginous symptoms, but one had recurrence of a vertigo long after discontinuation of the therapy. In two cases, vertigo was much improved, but no improvement was seen in the other two. In three patients with a sensori-neural deafness, remarkable improvement in hearing over 20dB was obtained in two.Serum IgE level was determined in 4 of nine cases, and three cases showed a high level of IgE of over 300U/ml and were free of vertigo after the anti-allergic treatment. In one patient with a low IgE level (62U/ml) there was no change.Anti-allergic therapy should thus be considered for patients with vertigo accompanied with allergic diseases and in whom the vertigo could not he controlled with other treatment.
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