Tumor associated antigens isolated from maxillary cancer cells.
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Oncofetal proteins and oncoplacental proteins (CEA, AFP and HCG) have been demonstrated in the tissues and/or sera of patients with various cancers, and these tumor markers have been used in the immunological diagnosis or monitoring of cancer.New tumor markers or techniques for early diagnosis by RIA or EIA test are needed, since most of the tumor markers have also been detected in patients with no malignancy and in normal controls.The initial purpose of this study was to prepare specific antibodies to maxillary cancer. The results indicate that this preparation may be useful in the early diagnosis and management of maxillary cancer.A new technique was devised for the isolation and characterization of maxillary cancer associated antigens (MCAA).Frozen sections of MC 10μm thick were applied directly to ampholine PAG-plates for isoelectric focusing. Saline extracts of tumor tissue and sera were treated in the same manner.Specific components at around pH 6.1 were determined on the ampholine PAG-plate and collected by chromatofocusing.AntiMCAA rabbit serum was obtained by immunization, and antiMCAA IgG serum was purified by protein A sepharose CL-4B.AntiMCAA IgG serum was shown to be specific by double immunodiffusion.MC sections were exposed to antiMCAA IgG serum, and specific fluorescence for MCAA was demonstrated on the surface of cancer cells by the method of indirect immunofluorescence, while control sections of membranes from three patients with chronic paranasal sinusitis were definitively negative.
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