- 論文の詳細を見る
Localization of proteins in the complement system, immunoglobulins, secretory component and lysozyme in the tonsil were investigated by immunofluorescent techniques. The palatine tonsils were obtained from 70 patients who had undergone surgery for an obstructive enlargement, chronic infection, recurrent sore throat and focal infection.In the epithelia of the tonsil and the tonsillar crypts, intercellular spaces contained C1q, C1s, C4, C3 and C3PA. IgA, IgG, IgM, IgE and IgD were localized in the epithelia much the same as those components of complement. Lysozyme was distributed in the mucus of the tonsillar surface and in the crypt debris.On the other hand, in the germinal centres C4: and C3: were observed but C1q, C1s and C3PA were not present. IgA, IgG, IgM and IgE were distributed within and between the cells of the germinal centre.IgD was found only in the cap area, a cuff of tightly packed small lymphocytes.Our results suggest that components of complement may compose the defence system against infectious agents together with immunoglobulins and lysozyme in the epithelia.Other workers have stated that the major function of the germinal centre was apparently the intensive production of B-lymphocytes. Such may form as a result of progressive capture and aggregation of lymphocytes at the surface of antigen-bearing dendritic cells. The presence of antigen and antibody in germinal centres was also evident. Distribution of C3 in the germinal centre may be related with antigen-bearing dendritic cells. Distribution of C4: has yet to be determined.
- 耳鼻咽喉科臨床学会の論文
小川 浩司
犬山 征夫
慶応義塾大学 耳鼻咽喉科
平山 喜徳
斎藤 成司
山崎 嘉司
小林 力
小川 浩司
犬山 征夫
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