- 論文の詳細を見る
We gave OK-432, a preparation made from a low virulent strain of streptococcus hemolyticus, to 68 patients with head and neck cancer by intramuscular injection and 2 patients were treated with local application. Anatomical site of the tumor in 70 cases was as follows; nose and paranasal sinus 22, nasopharynx 17, base of oral cavity and tongue 14, mesopharynx 8, larynx 6 and miscellaneous 3. We administered OK-432 mainly as an adjuvant immunotherapy after radical surgery or radiotherapy. The daily dose of OK-432 was 0.2KE, then the dose was gradually augmented and the maintenance dose was 3-5KE. The longest duration of OK-432 administration was 3 years and 6 months. We evaluated OK-432 from the point of view of the immunological parameters and the recurrence rate. Complement level (CH50) and tuberculin reactivity were measured as possible indices of the humoral and cell-mediated immune status. "The six stage classification after CH50 and tuberculin reaction" as suggested by Nishioka was employed and an analysis carried out.The results obtained were as follows:1. OK-432 had no tumor-reducing effects in advanced or recurrent cases.2. Immunological findings suggested that OK-432 had prophylactic effects against recurrence and metastasis.3. The recurrence rate of OK-432-treated group was almost the same as that in the control group, however, the recurrence rate of OK-432 and FT-207 treated groups was 26%, this rate being considerably lower than that in the control group. We concluded that adjuvant chemo-immunotherapy was more effective than adjuvant immunotherapy alone for prevention of recurrence and metastasis.
- 耳鼻咽喉科臨床学会の論文
甲能 直幸
慶応義塾大学 耳鼻咽喉科
犬山 征夫
慶応義塾大学 耳鼻咽喉科
小津 雷助
堀内 正敏
浅岡 一之
中島 康夫
増野 精二
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