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A dark blue chromoprotein was isolated and purified from the ovary of a turban shell, Turbo cornutus, by ammonium sulfate fractionation and Sepharose-4B gel fltration. The chromoprotein behaved homogeneously both in starch gel electrophoresis and in ultracentrifugation. Its absorption maxima appeared at 278, 374, 535-540, and 600-605 nm in acidic solution. The molecular weight was 540, 000 with s20, w of 16S. The protein moiety which had been separated from the chromophore by the HCl-acetone treatment was analyzed for amino acid composition. The chromophore was proved to be a new bilatriene on the basis of its U. V. and visible spectra, its thin layer chromatographic behavior, a coloration test, and a chromic acid-dichromate degradation test.
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