ヒメエゾボラNeptunea arthriticaのテトロドトキシン含有餌料による毒化〔英文〕
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Highly purified tetrodotoxin (TTX) was fed with diet to a marine snail Neptunea arthritica which has been consumed as a food without TTX poinsoning. No specimens died from the toxic diet, showing that they are resistant to TTX. About 40%. of the supplied TTX was detected in the digestive gland at 3 days after the last supply of the diet. On the contrary, no toxin was detected in the muscle. TTX accumulated in the digestive gland decreased to less than one third when they were reared for 30 days without feeding.
- 日本水産學會の論文
児玉 正昭
佐藤 繁
緒方 武比古
緒方 武比古
School Of Fisheries Sciences Kitasato University
緒方 武比古
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