ウナギのハプトグロビンに関する研究-III : ハプトグロビンとヘモグロビンの結合挙動(1)
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The binding behavior of eel haptoglobin (Hp) with hemoglobins (Hbs) from the eel and some other sources was examined. Eel Hp combined stoichiometrically with com-ponent F, but hardly at all with component S of eel Hb. The amount of component F bound by eel Hp seemed to depend on the aging of the former: i. e., the Hp combined equimolarly with the freshly prepared component F, but combined more than 4 moles per mole with the aged one. Eel Hp did not combine stoichiometrically with the Hbs of several other fishes such as carp, skipjack, loach, etc. However, the binding of this Hp with rabbit and dolphin Hbs was stoichiometric and equimolar. On the other hand, rabbit Hp did not combine stoichiometrically with any of the fish Hbs.
- 公益社団法人 日本水産学会の論文
児玉 正昭
児玉 正昭
School Of Fisheries Sciences Kitasato University
児玉 正昭
児玉 正昭
松浦 文雄
橋本 周久
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