Study on vascular architecture and hemodynamics in cysteamine induced duodenal ulcer in rats.
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We investigated the duodenal vescular architecture and mucosal blood volume in cysteamine induced duodenal ulcer. The tissue blood volume was measured by the tissue spectrum analyzer.Cysteamine was given to Wistar rats (weighing 250g) subcutaneoulsy in a dose of 400mg/kg. The artery and vein were canulated, the blood was wash out, and then injected with Berlineblue. The duodenum and stomach were dissected out, placed in 10% fromalin and dehydrated in ethyl alcohol. After specimens were cleared by methyl salithylate, we examined vascular architecture under stereomicroscope. And then, same specimens were fixed in 10% formalin and paraffin-embedded sections were stained with H-E and nuclear fast red.The results were as follows;1) From the vascular architecture, cysteamine-induced duodenal ulcer usually developed on the region of the two vascular networks, one is from pyloric canal of the stomach, and another from the anal side of the duodenum.2) Three or 6 hours after administration of cysteamine, the tissue blood volume decreased, but no vascular structural change was observed.3) Twenty-four hours later, the tissue hemoglobin volume was increased at the ulcer margin and marginal vessels were dilatated.
- 財団法人 日本消化器病学会の論文
丸山 恭平
瀧野 辰郎
高升 正彦
佐藤 達之
布施 好信
児玉 正
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