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Yeasts are found in many types of cheese, but their significance in cheese ripening is not clear. This paper deals with the effects of yeasts isolated from various types of cheese on the growth of lactic acid bacteria and interaction between yeasts and lactic acid bacteria on their proteolytic action in skimmilk. Yeasts used in this study are as follows; 4 strains of Debaryomyces hansenii, 2 strains of Candida lipolytica, 1 strain of Candida pseudotropicalis, and 2 strains of Candida zeylanoides. Lactic starter used is 1:1 mixture of Streptococcus lactis 527 and Streptococcus cremoris H-61. When the lactic acid bacteria were inoculated together with each of the yeasts in skimmilk and incubated at 25°C, the number of the lactic acid bacteria rose to 109 per ml after about 5 days and were kept constant up to one month. There was an abrupt drop of pH to 4.31 after 5 days, followed by a gradual rise to pH 5.2 after a month. However, when the lactic acid bacteria were cultivated without the yeast at above condition, the viable count of lactic acid bacteria reached to the maximum of 109 per ml after 5 days, and then decreased below 102 per ml after 15 days. pH of this culture remained at 4.1. It was observed that when the lactic acid bacteria and each of the yeasts (D. hansenii AJ 4193, AJ 4186 and AJ 4246; C. zeylanoides AJ 4736 and AJ 4750) were cultivated together at 25°C, the degree of proteolysis was much higher than the sum of the degree of proteolysis obtained by the lactic acid bacteria and the yeasts independently. D. hansenii AJ 4193 was selected for further study to investigate the interaction between the yeast and lactic acid bacteria under various conditions. Prolongation of the survival of the lactic acid bacteria was admitted when D. hansenii AJ 4193 was inoculated with 106 or 104 per ml in skimmilk, but not when inoculated with 102 per ml. The acceleration of the proteolysis by the combination of the yeast and lactic acid bacteria was inhibited in the presence of NaCl at 3% or more even at 25°C.
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