Stereochemical Configuration of 1-1 Glycosidic Linkages in Tunicamycin
Takatsuki A
Riken Inst. Physical And Chemical Res. Saitama Jpn
Department of Agricultural Chemistry, University of Tokyo
Department of Agricultural Chemistry, University of Tokyo
Tamura G
Department Of Agricultural Chemistry The University Of Tokyo
ITO Teiichiro
Central Research Laboratories, Meiji Seiko Kaisha Ltd.
Central Research Laboratories, Meiji Seiko Kaisha Ltd.
Central Research Laboratories, Meiji Seiko Kaisha Ltd.
Tamura Gakuzo
Depart Ment Qf Agricultural Chemistry The University Of Tokyo
Zushi Shoji
Central Research Institute Of Meiji Seika Kaisha Ltd.
Department of Agricultural Chemistry, The University of Tokyo
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