石塚左玄の食育食養法 : 栄養療法の知的枠組についての研究 11
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This study sought to examine the validity of Ishizuka Sagen's way of cultivating a whole person through chemical dietetics (Syokuiku-Shokuyoho) as a model for present-day health education. His Syokuiku-Shokuyoho was based on his recognition that the human body including thoughts and emotions is a complex system with the organic connection between different parts of the body as well as the correspondence between the body and the environmental conditions within which it exists, that an integrated balance between sodium salts and potassium salts is the implicit background from which human beings fully develop, and that whole grains and vegetables should be the main food for human beings throughout their history. The Syokuiku-Shokuyoho was a health strategy for attaining an integrated balance both within the body and between the body and the world through adjusting the relationships of sodium salts and potassium salts in food. The Syokuiku-Shokuyoho reminded the Japanese of the significance of both the traditional medical system and the traditional food system. Now that the traditional medical system and the traditional food system begin to be revalued in terms of prevention of cancers and lifestyle diseases in Japanese people, Ishizuka Sagen's way of cultivating a whole person through chemical dietetics (Syokuiku-Shokuyoho) shows the possibility of approaching health education in totally new ways.
- 藤女子大学の論文
- 2014-03-31
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