3J3-4 高結合ZnO/水晶構造デバイスにおける温度特性改良(圧電デバイス)
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Recent years, several applications require radio frequency filters which have narrow bandwidth with high attenuation. ZnO film/quartz structure has a good potential to satisfy those requirements. This paper shows the optimization of ZnO/quartz structure to obtain nearly zero temperature coefficient of frequency (TCF)with maximizing electro-mechanical coupling coefficient (k^2). In the former papers which one of the authors reported about ZnO/quartz structure, nearly zero TCF with small electro-mechanical coupling coefficient, or maximized k^2 with non-zero TCF was reported. However, both zero TCF and maximized k^2 have not been simultaneously obtained. The authors estimate the optimized structure by calculation and confirm it by measurement also.
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