Quantitative Prediction of On-Chip Capacitive and Inductive Crosstalk Noise and Tradeoff between Wire Cross-Sectional Area and Inductive Crosstalk Effect(<Special Section>Selected Papers from the 19th Workshop on Circuits and Systems in Karuizawa)
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Capacitive and inductive crosstalk noises are expected to be more serious in advanced technologies. However, capacitive and inductive crosstalk noises in the future have not been concurrently and sufficiently discussed quantitatively, though capacitive crosstalk noise has been intensively studied solely as a primary factor of interconnect delay variation. This paper quantitatively predicts the impact of capacitive and inductive crosstalk in prospective processes, and reveals that interconnect scaling strategies strongly affect relative dominance between capacitive and inductive coupling. Our prediction also makes the point that the interconnect resistance significantly influences both inductive coupling noise and propagation delay. We then evaluate a tradeoff between wire cross-sectional area and worst-case propagation delay focusing on inductive coupling noise, and show that an appropriate selection of wire cross-section can reduce delay uncertainty at the small sacrifice of propagation delay.
- 社団法人電子情報通信学会の論文
- 2007-04-01
Onoye Takao
Department Of Communications And Computer Engineering Kyoto University
Hashimoto Masanori
Department Of Information Systems Engineering Osaka University
Hashimoto Masanori
Department Of Communications And Computer Engineering Kyoto University
Department of Information Systems Engineering, Osaka University
Ogasahara Yasuhiro
Osaka Univ. Suita‐shi Jpn
Hashimoto Masanori
Department Of Breast And Endocrine Surgery University Of Tokyo
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